Spreading some awareness from the arena forums here
Somebody calculated that you need to do 627 BGs with a 50/50 win rating to get a fully upgraded honor set. That’s the equivilant of a M0 gear set. As well as only few pieces actually suit spec with the limited stat combinations.
Once again PvP lacks a way to gear up unless this is changed.
You can’t call it a trash system if it is a pvp system
according to forum
sounds fair to me you finally found the vendor now you have to work for the gear
You should watch the video because there is no gear to be collected. Many plate classes for an example will be getting 3-4 out of 15 pieces of useful gear
I find it insane that they did it like this. If Blizzard is afraid that people will do PvP to get PvE gear easier, why not go for another solution than this?
I honestly don’t get Blizzards argument against putting a PvP only stat on PvP gear. Claiming that it will be too much for people have to have 2 separate gear pieces. PvP’ers have that already, people have gear for separate matchups for instance, so they already have more pieces to juggle.
Get PvP stats on PvP gear (resilience?), but still make them at least viable in PvE so you can start farming for good PvE gear, so people don’t have to go from PvP to PvE and start at the bottom.
doing that amount of work for a set thats barely any better than a regular m0 set should give us atleast a heroic set if not better
the effort vs reward ratio is completely off
It’s a bull system no matter how you look at it.
Just do some m0’s for equivalent gear and ignore the vendors.
I’d say they’ll notice nobody is buying much of anything from it and realize something is wrong… okay who am i kidding, they already know it’s a stupid and useless system, they just don’t care for pvp. 
Imagine thinking this is even remotely ok the way it is now. Here let me help you, it would take an insane amount of time for the casual player base to upgrade a full set, which would be barely better than a M0 piece that would only take 20m.
I mean, there’s a reason I never touch pvp even tho I’d love to get a vicious saddle, I ain’t playing 400-500 arenas for a mount or some gear.
With the amount of gold m+ boosting going on these days, it will be the way to go 
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wait, mythic 0 is ilvl 190? The same as Conquest gear?
That’s quite silly.
Well for m0… you just need to do some heroics and get 3-4 pieces then you can do m0, it’s not even timed if i remember right. :))
In a week you’ll get more pieces than if you had pvp’d for 4 months probably…
187 I believe. 3 ilvls lower. The amount of conquest needed (speculation since it can’t be tested, but it seems the same as on live) is also so high, that to upgrade it to the max, you’re better off doing M+).
So once again, Ion has lied to the playerbase. Perhabs he thinks people are stupid.
I don’t usually pvp… just on rare occasions because there is not much incentive, but i was looking forward to doing more pvp in Shadowlands thinking i could supplement some pieces…
Was looking at getting a weapon guaranteed through a vendor… than having to put up with bull pve rng and get a good one 2-3 months into the patch.
Back to pve rng i guess…
depends how wide is ilvl range on gear in shadowlands tho.
maybe they’ll narrow this down, so mythic raid is going to drop sth like 220 instead of 270+ like it normally would (BFA mythic Uldir gear was almost 100 ilvl better than your leveling gear at lv120)
I think upgrading a honor weapon to 190 would take about 30k honor, which is the same as r2 conflict and strife grind.
Edit: i meant blood of the enemy
Made me happy, made me smile.
I barely have 10k honor… definitely not going that path. lol
I’d rather use https://www.wowhead.com/item=13505/runeblade-of-baron-rivendare
Myhtic raid will already have a few ilvl pieces that are higher than the max upgraded conquest gear. So much for Ion’s “The best PvP gear will come from doing that content” (paraphrasing)
Just make something like this:
440 pvp gear with resilience=430 pve gear with normal stats.
Something SIMILAR to that. (It was like this before