You nerfed Rets and holy in 9.05. Now WW, Arms, Fire, Sub needs nerfing

The link you provided is the spell being reintroduced. Which is quite clear as I had already given you the dates in a very clear way just up here :

You could have listened.

If you’re going to argue over it, then yes. It takes 10s to find the name and THEN you can go argue. With the information in hand.


Unrealistic expectations strikes once again.

Yet you managed to look at patch notes and then claim that it wasn’t mentionned anywhere. So you actually looked at patch notes without even knowing what you were looking for and then you tell me it’s unrealistic to expect you to know the name.


In the end you’re good at avoiding saying that you were wrong. I’ll give you that.

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Yes, excuse me for only looking at PvP notes when looking for a change concerning PvP, in a list with a lot of changes in it.

Told you, unrealistic expectations.

The way such a conversation should play out is :

  • you say something wrong
  • I correct it, give you dates and patch numbers
  • you check it and either say ok, or just don’t answer 'cause at this point we both know what the facts are so there is no need to go further.

But you had to go “no me no trust, oh, but not clear, oh developer’snote about it, but I actually didn’t search, oh but I actually don’t know the name of the spell we’re talking about so I did search but with a blindfold, no but no but…”

You were wrong, I gave you the actual answer, that’s the end of it. Don’t make a world out of it.

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I’m not the one who went bananas. Just sayin’.

Difference is you were the person being wrong and unable to commit 10s to the use of a web browser. So… yeah.

Better keep arguing.

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Except that’s what I committed. You expected me to commit much more. Told you, unrealistic expectations.

And then you went bananas over it.

I expected you to either understand what I typed initially, which was quite clear, or to type the name of the spell in a Google search bar. You couldn’t do that. Dqrk times indeed. Imagine the amount of times you could have found the information if you had given it as much energy as arguing over a topic you’re wrong about since the start.

See, now we circle back to:

All I did was double-check what you said, since you did provide the dates, only to find it listed in an obscure way under PvE class changes when it was a change concerning PvP so I obviously only checked PvP notes, and then you go bananas expecting me to know the name of it, its birthdate, its favorite food and whatnot.

And that’s exactly the problem. You’re trying to keep up in an argument without knowing, and then without asking, or searching for, the name of the topic discussed. It isn’t a weakness or a shame not to know, just ask, but don’t act like you know when you do not.

This is a very common issue nowadays actually. People tend to think that because they can, they have to take part into discussions even when the amount of clues they have about the topic is negative. Wouldn’t be an issue if they realised and and didn’t act like they know, but hey.

Free yourself from the mass! Do research !

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Or you could have sourced it and not say anything extra.

I just told you how it works, and since when. You don’t need to have access to the CV and birth certificate of the ability to know that it wasn’t a thing in Legion arenas.

The thing is, you don’t seem stupid, just stubborn and unable to look for information outside the things you think are right. You did realize you didn’t know, I’m quite sure. You also realized you were wrong. So why do you keep going ?

You really haven’t played Legion rated PvP if you think it was a think there. And you know you haven’t, not enough to form coherent memories at least. So why do you even try to argue on a ranked pvp rogue specific topic with a guy who did ? You’re just doomed to be wrong.

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If you think any expansion is anything but a blur in the memories of people then you’re yet again just expecting too much.

If you are aware that 3 years ago is a blur in your mind, then why do you argue ?

I checked the dates you provided, didn’t see it mentioned in the PvP notes in a long list of changes, and then you’re the one who went bananas about it. You do realise that, right?

That’s why I said you’ve got unrealistic expectations.

You don’t know how to find information, is that my fault ? Why was I able to find the spell in your own link in seconds when you said it made no mention of it ? Why was I able to link you a web page with the changes regarding the spell but you couldn’t find it ?

I literally explained it just now. I checked the PvP changes since it’s a thing concerning PvP, yet it wasn’t mentioned there so why should I check anything else? Not to mention only the mention of it being available from lvl 68 again isn’t really the same as not being usable in rated PvP anymore, even if I had bothered to go through the PvE changes too.

The reintroduction of the ability isn’t PvP related. You didn’t find mention of it.

Ah, so if you don’t find an information right away on the first resource you check, it’s automatically false, or a lie, and you stop searching, thinking you are correct ?

That’s a nice way of thinking. Quite interesting.

Yeah, because I CLEARLY said that on the 10/01 it was reintroduced, and on the 11/01 it was disabled in PvP, and your link is from the 10/01, so if you wanted to find anything regarding the spell it obviously was it being available at level 68, and not it being disabled in PvP. Now if you were to find the developer’s note from the next day, which you haven’t, then you would find the one saying it is disabled in PvP.

Once again, you didn’t pay attention, and you were looking for the wrong thing. No wonder you can’t find it.

Which would fit into what I said, wouldn’t it?

Yet you expect so much more for some really weird reason.

Hence unrealistic expectations.