You really need to be genius to destroy such amazing game

Because those players want things to be done for them by the system.

I judge by my server. See many players around at all times in Outlands.

Who was speaking about outland?

They had to rework the entire code from scratch because Classic was recreated by reverse engineering Legion’s client; there’s entire videos of how they made it on youtube.

Which is what I’ve been saying to this muppet that thinks the code can just be copy and pasted.

You’re both saying completely different things whilst trying to twist my words and not even reading what the other is saying.

13 year olds dont get to call other people kids.

And 881 dollars is hardly considered “wealthy”. Just goes to show your age though, doesn’t it?

You can’t argue with me because you’re short approximately 100 points of IQ.

Ive leveled 3 alts to 80 with no problem finding groups. Maybe everyone is boosting chars on your server, then that is the players fault, and us who fought for classic to be released again should not suffer for corporate decisions like ingame shop boosting.

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RDF would destroy Wrath.


So you are saying that it’s same experience for old and new players when Blizzard removes original features and replace them with new ones?


RDF came with ICC patch back in the days, now it’s not coming.
( bad idea )

Adding heroic+ | Who even asked for it? :rofl:
( it wasn’t in the original wotlk )

No one really needs / wants those stupid and useless item+mount bundles.

Poor customer service + lack of GM’s.
( bad decision for the future of wotlk classic )

Blizzard is not a same company than it was back in the days, and we all know it.

And no one still knows what is that bullsh*t about our social interactions :rofl:

In my eyes this current Blizzard only knows how to make easy money with no effort.


RDF was not in the game in 2008.

A lot of stuff that is in game now wasnt on release in 2008

I did. Heroics (dungeons in general) are a joke. I still have reps to farm and I can probably still get some upgrade from some dungeon but I just can’t be bothered because I find the actual content to be that unfun. In TBC I kept playing dungeons even when I didn’t need anything because the dungeons themselves were fun. The main reason I stopped playing dungeons was because I got too good gear, thus diminishing the challenge and making them more boring. TBC could also have benefitted from a heroic+ mode.

They need to up the difficulty drastically, and I don’t think it’ll be enough to simply just give NPCs more health and damage.

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Will actually be too hard for average classic andy, they will need to move out of fire and interrupt enemies.

Somehow they managed to get through TBC.

Dude, youre obv a classic andy nobrainer who lacks irl and ingame, underbracket player who gives his opinion in the forums but has zero clue what he’s talking about.

What if heroic+ dungeons are easy too, you can’t know it yet.

Are you saying same things then too?
No you don’t.

I assume that you didn’t play the original wotlk, only retail players think like you.

What are you even saying here? If heroic+ dungeons were to be too easy, I would not complain about it?

I was on board for Blizzard’s decision to ramp up the difficulty of heroics and raids in phase 1, but all they did was up the HP and damage. Phase 1 has been an utter breeze, and I don’t think Blizzard buffed the content enough.

Then you assume wrong. I started playing in TBC. Played in WLK and I played in Cataclysm. When it comes to dungeon content (especially difficulty) then TBC and Cataclysm were both miles better than WLK (at least up until the point where Cata dungeons were nerfed to address the concerns of the then braindead RDF playerbase).

They will be easy. Only thing they can do is scale up health and damage of the trash/bosses.

So it’s same just more spongy npcs.

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Not all, saw enough people wiping the raid on the most simple mechanics.

Yep, but the facts are against those things.

Heroic+ feature wasn’t in the original version, so you and other retail players are the main reason why Blizzard is making bad choices over and over again.

Everyone except retail players assumed that Blizzard will release WOTLK like it was, in this moment a future of WOTLK classic looks very bad.

When players are way too much bored, they quit.

Literally everyone won’t level up milllions of characters, especially when WOTLK reaches last patches.

Without RDF majority of WOTLK classic players will quit.

Of course guys like you deny everything what guys like me say here, it only proofs that you don’t realize facts.

I know, but the way you put it, it sounds like you did not know that RDF only came in the ICC patch in December 2009.
I of course think that progressing through the patches like OG Wrath would have been the best solution, ever.

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Why is it a bad choice tho?

Is it a bad choice overall or is it a bad choice for you?

You are not the only person that plays this game.

Would you rather everyone quits since they are full BIS and there is nothing to do.

I am not against RDF.