You Should Let Us Create Categories For The Character List

The new character select list, one giant list with a spot for 4 favourites.
Not really that great currently. What would improve this is being able to create custom categories to put certain characters under.

Keep favourites how they are, as it’s for the warband campfire thing.

But I want a list like that can be customised with our own categories with things like:

PVP: Characters under this would be ones I only PVP on.
Class: You could make custom lists named “Warrior” or “Mage” and you can put all your characters of those classes under it.
Horde/Alliance: Simple way to put your characters of each faction

Would also be good to have separators under each custom category.
So you could have like: Alliance: Warriors: “Characters”

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Not a bad idea. You could also make lists for realms too.

I think for this to work well though you would need to be able to add a character into multiple lists. E.g. One character might go in your class list, PvP list, faction and realm list.

Yes this does seem like a nice option to get, see this earlier discussion

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I only have 3 characters, everything feels ver organized xD

Ive got all of my horde characters on 1 server & all of my alliance characters on another.
Thanks to the update all of my characters are now clumped together in an unorganized mess.
Just 4 favories is nowhere near enough for me.

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We should be able to create different “parties” for the campfire. For example, I’d like to bundle my Night Elves together so it looks thematically consistent.

This would also solve a major issue for altoholics, who feel like you have to pick 4 of all your characters to display. You might want to display many of them.

I think 1-5 characters per camp, and up to 10 parties or something.


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