Whats wrong with a separate queue?
A few things.
A seperate queue wasn’t part of Vanilla. Infact, seperating people is what retail does, hense why all forms of PVE have several modes and why BGs were seperated between ranked and normal
Creating a solo queue means it’s much easier for most people to farm honor, having an easy option of getting a reward isn’t the Vanilla way. Again: retail.
If you create a solo queue, you also enable botting and leeching as viable honor farms once again. Right now, bots just get farmed in BGs and simply can’t compete for honor. If you seperate the queues, they can 24/7 leech again.
You’re teaching people to just cry about things instead of learning to deal with them. The solution to premading is simple: Join a premade, play as a team.
Don’t expect to be on par with everybody else when you put half the amount of time and effort into what you’re doing.
And your experience 15 years ago is the evidens those things never happened?
Raidloggers have always been around in a form or other, people were boosted by Mages (mybe not as effective but close to) and PvPers/Rankers infact did organize, corrupt and premade the whole ranking system even in 2005/2006.
Im sorry you didnt play on a high enough level to notice.
Using changes nobody asked for to justify changes that fit you is the worse typ of argument.
1 - This isnt vanilla, its classic, changes have already been made.
2 - Your saying its easier to farm honor solo, than it is as part of a premade? Think about that for awhile.
3 - Botting is not an excuse to stop positive change, botting is a problem blizzard needs to deal with.
4 - Who is crying? Who is teaching? I’m asking blizzard to implement a change to promote a vanilla experience. Premades avoid other premades and stomp solo players, why would I want to do that? I want competitive, fun, random PvP, not to team up with people who only care about farming honour as fast as they can.
All of which have been bad and have required multiple other changes to fix the aftermath of what shouldn’t have happened in the first place.
Further more, people (as you are now) keep trying to use changes to justify MORE changes. If you want changes to the core elements of Classic, go play retail instead.
I’m saying that if we had a seperare queue, it would be MUCH easier to play solo than as and against a team. That is a simple fact, solo queue for every game is EASIER than team queue.
You’re not requesting any positive changes, you’re requesting negative ones.
You are. Read your original post again, it’s nothing more than a whine post.
If a solo queue would be implimented, everybody would be taught “hey if you don’t like a CORE element of a game, just cry about it”. What you should be tought instead, is this:
If you don’t like a core element of Classic, go to retail. Everything bad about retail happened because people wanted changes, because people cried.
Premades actually can’t avoid other premades. They face other premades as often as you solo puggers do.
You’re actually playing the wrong game. go to retail.
it takes litteraly 30 seconds to find a group for a premade. try harder.
I don’t play retail so, stop saying go play it. There is nothing wrong with a separate queue, it promotes fair and fun pvp. It does nothing to damage the current game, it just puts premades against other premades, therefore, making it fair.
Insanebolt - If you read up youll see why I dont wish to premade, so there is no need to “try harder”.
whats the issue with premading? its rly no different from puging.
Well then whats the problem having their own queue then? If there is no issue? The issue is premades vs pugs.
because pugs shouldn’t make anywhere close to the honor premades do. also #nochanges
Premades only make that much honor because they are stomping pugs over and over again. This isnt competative nor fun pvp, they just want to farm randoms and gain ranks.
#nochanges ended the moment they impletemented layering.
If you logged in tomorrow, and queued up to a BG as a solo player, and you were just in a normal pug vs pug game, what would be the problem with that?
If you joined as a premade, and got matched with a premade, well now you can PvP, test the skill of your team vs theirs, isnt that what PvP is? What would be the problem with that?
people should not be rewarded for putting in 0 effort. premades put in effort. they should be rewarded for that. tbh i’m not totaly against a system where say a pug only system q could exist. BUT only under the condition those games give 0 honor and 0 rep
So your saying that all the players who queue solo put 0 effort into PvPing? What sort of twisted logic is that?
What is this “effort” you refer too? What effort are premades making?
Perhaps soloqueue players should get more honor and rep then? Because its so much harder to fight an organised premade?
they can potentialy put in 0 effort yes. do you know what happens when pugs can earn similar honor to premades? afk bots start outfarming people going for high brackets.
No, you genuinely should go play retail.
Yes, there is. I’ve told you everything that’s wrong with it, you just don’t care for the consequences because they don’t affect you.
Fair play isn’t Classic, that’s retail. Classic is a recreation of an old game, with old silly mechanics and non existant class balance.
They have their own queue, it’s the same queue that you’re in.
False, premades face other premades as often as you pugs do. There’s no magic “only place us against pugs” option.
They don’t care who they farm to gain ranks. That’s the Vanilla honor system for you. If you don’t like it, there’s a special place for you.
It’s called retail.
They implemented layering because Blizzard changed the server population sizes. Instead of sticking to 3.5k like Vanilla, we had huge population servers with 12k caps. See, a change to balance out a change.
You should try it. Tomorrow is a Tuesday, all the Hardcore premade have reached their honor caps by the weekend, so Monday and Tuesday are just free days.
You understand how the honor system works, right? Of course you don’t.
That happens way more often than joining as a premade and getting matched against a pug.
You can pvp anyway.
No, PVP isn’t about being a solo player and being able to outfarm co-ordinated teams. Classic is an MMORPG, a TEAM based game. Not a solo player game.
Or perhaps solo queuers should make some friends and play properly.
Doesn’t matter if they’re brainless, I still argue with them. Because they’re wrong.
furthermore, most games you face as a premade are vs other premades. you only make good honor as a premade if you win the majority of your games vs premades, and that takes effort.
you do have a fair chance, you just chose not to take it.
you can play casualy and premade… they are not mutualy exclusive.
Nobody is casually spamming bg premades tho.
That’s a weird way of describing a social player that play group pvp in a group…