"You were followed!" "I followed THEM"

BIG DIFFERNECE. Garrosh was already in a bad mood with Vol‘jin. After Garrosh refused to help the trolls reclaim their island and put them into slums, Vol‘jin told him that he will be the one killing Garrosh one day.

This was treason. But Garrosh didn’t kill him, he told him to go and accomplish a mission for the horde. He send a guard with him in case that Vol‘jin try’s something.

And the guard had the order to kill Vol‘jin if he commits treason again.

In the book warcrimes , the murder of Vol‘jin was made a legit decision by garrosh and it was not listed as crime anymore.

Sylvanas was just about to murder someone here.

You are right on that, but i don’t know if there has been some confirmation about that from Blizzard itself.
I mean, that is a general rule for the fantasy, something already cursed can not be corrupted from other forces, but i don’t think Blizzard ever confirmed it in their own lore. That would explain Artha’s immunity to the Saronite tho.

Or she could just be used by the Old Gods, giving her the items need by her to win the war, but in the same time favoring the Old Gods too, not really a mind control, but just a trickery.

Yes, but Vol’jin didn’t really tryed something, he just voiced about what Garrosh was up to do with all we found in the cave, then he has been attacked.
Indeed it could be that Rak’gor Bloodrazor (the Assassin) could just have “over-interpreted” Garrosh’s words…but still, is not that Garrosh never tryed to suffucate any voiced dissention about his authority, he had delegated Malkorok to kill 3 of his Horde fleet commanders just because they was talking against him inside an Inn by literally making it explode with granades, and i see no treason in that case.
Garrosh wasn’t better then Sylvanas in that, even if the motivations was different.

Very nubish, with the CC tools at their disposal those orcs shouldn’t have stood a chance.

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The difference there should be pretty obvious
You explained it yourself - both Vol’jin and those 3 commanders gave Garrosh offense. Sure his reaction was overblown (at least in the case of the 3 commanders), but nobody is arguing that he was a nice guy.

Meanwhile Sylvanas is coming after heroes of the Horde with no provocation whatsoever.
Garrosh was iron-fisted and radical. Sylvanas is just mustache-twirlingly evil.

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They were undead Night Elf… did you spot that.

Sending assassins is not Sylvanas thing. High chance it wasn’t her, may be someone is arranging something.

I am waiting for a plot twist, perhaps the Sylvannas we see is not actually Syvlannas but some evil reincarnation and maybe the real Sylvannas is in X’alath. Just tossing that out there.

In fact i’m not defending Sylvanas at all, nor Garrosh, i’m saying that these kind of things aren’t something unexpected from these kind of characters.

things made sense until the burning of darnassus. but the story since is from cloud cuckoo land.

controlling the alliances’ azerite supply routes going via darnassus made sense. but everything since then from and including the burning of darnassus = /rolleyes. (even if the actual scenario of battle of the undercity was fun).

That’s an interesting theory.

100% this, everything was logical and clear all the way until Saurfang decided muh honor.

The axe that Thrall lifts at the end, is it a specific weapon or lore weapon etc. ?

Sylvanas hasn’t been right in the head since WotLK,
Wrathgate first,then throwing herself from the battlements when LK defeated.
Early in Cata, using blight at Gilneas.
Now her actions have spiraled out of control with the war,so cloud cuckoo land sounds about right really.
With all of the constant distractions the Horde just didn’t notice,though it wouldn’t be a stretch to believe many forsaken were playing along.

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I don’t think, but to me it seems similar to the Axe of Weeping Wolf, 2-Hand axe from WoD (it have the same model of the Cataclysmic Gladiator’s Decapitator tho). Not exactly the same but it is the most similar one I could find

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That was never proven to be his order

Dont worry guys, Sylvanas is moraly grey and definetely not the Garrosh 2.0

Also there are no Old Gods in this Expansion



that sounds like something an old god would say


I disagree. The entire premise of the war was already stupid.
“Yeah but how long would peace have lasted? 10 years? 50?”
That’s a load of bull. The fact of the matter is that nothing that has happened between the factions would make a permanent peace impossible. If anything, with us just having dealt with space satan, who was the original cause of the first faction war, there was never a better time to get a permanent peace going than post-Legion.


this is something I think I said also, something could have happend to Sylvanas at some point we do not know, considering she did try to take over odins valkyries, what if the real sylvanas after that is not even there anymore, but someone else took her place, it is plausible.

also the mindcontroll part is something that could be true, though question is when did that happen and where, was it delaryn before she died that mind controlled, aka it wasnt Delaryn who died or if it was someone was controlling her that took over sylvanas, that could explain why she burned teldrassil, becuse otherwise she had no reason to get so triggered as she did.
also how did Delaryn even know of how Sylvanas died to Arthas, she should not have been able to do know that.

The kindest thing I have ever heard said about her since BfA began…

Also an interesting idea. The devs may well steal it now :wink: