That’s a matter of opinion. From my point I see no replaybillity in leveling. Have done it enough to the point where it doesn’t matter what class I’m leveling. On the other hand I know plenty of people the level multiple of the same class on different specs and never change off of it.
And you will still be able to do that in Shadowlands. You may not be as optimal as for example as a maldraxus warlock in terms of damage, haven’t looked at the wl abilities so no idea, but maybe you are Venthyr so you are far more mobile with an an instant door of Shadows and stuff.
Right they are not. They are “like” sub-classes and the choice between them is “like” choosing a class. With different strengths, weaknesses or utility. At least that’s the idea.
Pretty much like this. They are different builds for the classes. Differentiated even more by the covenant legendaries which just like in the past can define how your entire class plays.
Passives can have dramatic changes to how a skill feels. Arms has a few good passives on azerite gear, that dramatically change abilities. That’s how passives should be. Also the conduits are half the tree. Every other node is a conduit.
Well, if you play like this, then it really does not matter which covenant you pick. Because you will play it completely wrong. That’s like saying it does not matter which ingredient you put into your food and when while cooking it. The result will be terrible.
Oh ffs. You have 2 fire mages ok, one is using Memory of lucid dreams as major and Blaster master azerites the other is using focusing iris as major and idk . How is one less of a fire mage than the other. Its only performance its not a class or “sub-class”. If thats you definition of a subclass than every time you switch a talent you are another subclass of a fire mage, and if thats the case how are covenant different from talents.
Optimal is beeing the point. A soup is better eathen with a spoon, for the 100th time.
This is the entire point. Being against a warlock who I know for a fact is less skilled than me doing more damage because his choice is more optimal for the given content feels horrible. That’s like corruption all over again except now you have a choice of 4 and you’re just picking the lesser evil. And you can’t even properly change it.
Bruh, how can someone so misread what I’m saying. There’s a reason why you call it “rotation”. It’s because you rotate your abilities - you know what to cast first, second, third, etc. and there’s very little variation based on your enemy. This is key - your combat doesn’t really change based on what you’re facing, it always plays out the same. The same rotation, maybe change it up if there’s more than 2 enemies around. Raid bosses are the only difference and I really enjoyed how many trash mechanics are there in Ny’alotha. I think this type of design should go for the entire game.
They are both fire mages just like in Shadowlands both a kyrian havoc dh and a venthyr havoc dh are still havoc dhs. What was your point with this?
I also literally just told you that they are not sub classes. They are “like” sub classes. Somewhat inspired by it if you may but yes they are more akin to builds but then again they are not builds. Builds you can change easily.
Optimal for your class is the point that you are making where in Shadowlands that will mean optimal for your covenant. If you wanted to be truly optimal you would have to reroll to the best class currently for whatever content you want.
There are 7 possible conduits and 7 traits on each soulbind with you being able to have 4 active of each at a time. So yeah they are literally half the tree.
Should happen very rarely. Even with corruptions right now you should still be better than lower skilled players. I still beat other fire mages that have 20-40 corruption more than me and are running the meta double on-use build. And I doubt that covenants will nearly mean as much dps as corruptions do.
2-3 of them actually but they are still far from useless. Especially when it comes to high keys or pvp having extra slows or lower cds on your utility spells can be more beneficial than raw dmg output.
Again thats the point. We want to be able to change our builds.
We want our CLASS to be optimal. I want to be optimal as a WARLOCK not as a BM hunter or Fairy dragon.
Right now yes. He/she was reffering to when the vendor didnt exist, where you where beeing outperformed by IS/TD/GW procs because your corruptions where someting like Vers/Avoidance procs for example (literally me before the vendor).
It’s called rotation but it’s more like a priority list, and the priority always changes depending on the situation. Seriously, if you only press abilities in a given order, I can understand why you don’t enjoy it. Do you not react to revenge/shield slam procs? Do you not make the decision between spending rage on revenge/shield block/ignore pain? Do you not think about whether you need to press shield wall? Do you never use intervene on your group members to help them survive hard hitting abilities? Do you not think about what you need or don’t need to stun, what to interupt?
Sure, protection warrior gameplay is very scripted in it’s core, a lot of classes are actually quite scripted, but there so much more that goes into it. If you only focus on the scripted part and don’t play proactively and reactively, it’s pretty boring, I can see that. But that is on you and only you. You’ve decided to play this way.
Atleast one Trait is always “useless” utility like extra ressource/speed while mounted/repair on kill etc.
You’ll find two traits which improve output, but right now conduitgems (red) are leading to higher output.
Exactly, and i dont understand how some see this as a “meaningfull choise”. The player power from covenants is nothing really gameplay changing its just performance, the things that actually will somewhat redifine your gameplay (the 2 new buttons to press) are so stupidly disbalanced and the systems layerd on top of them are not fixing the issue. How is do i suck or do i not suck a meaningfull choise ?
To be fair, prot is pretty good in not being too rotational. There’s so many conditions to your spells, but fury… it is pure rotation. And prot’s defensive abilities make it feel like you’re reacting to your enemies. The only reason I don’t enjoy prot is that I am expected to know convoluted paths for all these dungeons and I don’t want to learn them. But I like how you kinda have to activate shield block right before an enemy attacks, or you’re just wasting seconds of it.
But none of that exists in fury. Fury is purely rotational. You get some procs and you click the shiny but in the end it feels very… derivative in a way. I like fury, I like how powerful it is and how self-sustaining it is, but it could use some gameplay shakeups. I think it was more fun in Legion, even without an artefact weapon. I really preferred rampage being a huge spender, a burst of power, and not a part of the core rotation like it is now. I play the classes more or less properly, I try to learn them. The disappointing part is that “to learn a class” means to play it as the game intends. You can’t really change how a class plays at its core. And my hope for conduits is that they may make different fury builds possible.
This is why I liked vanilla back in the day - you could mix and match to your heart’s content. You could take fury talents on your prot, or arms talents on your fury. I think going back to a system that allows this type of dipping would be really, really cool.