Tell me would classes be more fun if all classes were same with just different themes on spells and meele attacks? No they would be boring just like covenants would become boring if there would only cosmetics.
Borrowed power will not last, it doesnt balance and it forces X spec into Y covenant to compete.
Is that difficult to release an expansion without rental powers, azerite/AP grindfest, boring micro-systems, etc…?
Yes becouse most people would have nothing to do after 1 week of dinging max lvl. You would get WoD all over again.
yeah but at the same time you never had to min max as much as you have to now so unbalanced systems in newest expansions cause problems more than ever
You dont have to min max. Not even in Mythic 15 or mythic raiding.
mythic 15 is a face roll because we have disgusting overpowered gear but thanks for your input mr 0 m+ no raiding this expansion
“not even +15”
Cosmetics belong in the itemshop. Personally I don’t want Blizz spending so much development time on a pure vanity feature. Anything that doesn’t really affect gameplay is worthless. Class halls worked well (although I think part of that is the lack of choice). This is just 4 class halls and you can pick which one you want.
Yes it is thats why you dont have to min max. Its not tunned for min maxers and never will be.
at this stage of 8.3 I’d consider +22/23 keys as high keys and you have to min max a lot if you want to complete dungeon within time limit in a pug. The same thing applies to mythic nzoth. Our roster has min maxed toons and we can burn through him easily. All thanks to min maxed toons. Elias I respect your opinion but you’re simply wrong. Wow has changed from killing dragons and clown fiesta raids game to min maxing at almost every step of the game. Prove me wrong
That grant abilities and powers that change gameplay and force you to pick a certain one if you want to compete. People will straight up not take a DPS, Healer or Tank that is not in the right covenant. This isn’t just ‘oh, a cool new ability to play with’ this is ‘you dont have the covenant that is most optimal, therefor you aren’t worth the risk / effort’.
Also, every persons’ class got an orderhall, story, and cosmetics. It did not affect the mechanics of the game, therefor you are comparing apples with shotguns.
This game will insta die if Blizzard will start cuttering game for players like you. Casuals will run out of content and quit. We need alternative progression systems in order for casuals to have something to do.
what a fast change of subject. I can agree with this statement even though it has nothing to do with my previous post
Well if you want it. +22 +23 mythic keys are not relevenat becouse they are not intedent to be played and game isnt balanced beyond +15 and in order for comepettive people to beat yes they have to min max but destroy whole game and removing progression systems just so 0,1% of playerbase doesnt have to deal with it is nonsense.
I do not want to pick a covenant based on roleplaying and being told it is not the right covenant for my intended role/spec/content
Is that too much to ask?
Lol, yea sure.
People are timing +29 dungeons so how can you say they’re not intended to be played. Blizzard has to chill with systems and their obsession with endless content and instead give us stuff that’s fairly challenging but at the same time feels good and rewarding when you complete it (mage tower, cm from pandaria and wod)
Casual playerbase is not intereseted in challening content. Yes you can time +29 but Blizzard literaly just scales numbers in infinite scaling system. Game stops working in +29 becouse its not balanced and you have to min/max and play with certain comp in order to beat it. And becouse you have to min max and bring all these top noch builds game is no longer working as intedended. Blizzard never tune intended content to be beaten only if you min max.
The frustrating thing is that Covenants already offer so much without the player power gains.
It is going to be terrible.
Maybe you won’t invite people who aren’t in whatever covenant you’ve deemed is the correct one, but that’s not the case with me. And even then, it’s purely a DPS issue. Tanks and healers won’t struggle to find groups. You already get invited with trash rio as a tank all the time, because people would rather play than just wait for that perfect top 1% tank. Nobody in game cares about this garbage.