Your character's ending

I imagine Clare would be sitting under a tree at a very old age, wrapped into a blanket and enjoying the sunshine with her loved ones on a beautiful summer day.


Anne either dies of an overdose or gets murdered by a jealous spouse. Someone else’s, that is.

Willamina and Anayyah both live out their lives happily with their respective spouses.

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Okay, bad ending:

Vindicated at last, she sees the infinite army of the Legion return for another push and is lost to her own zeal as the entire house of nobles is lost in a green mushroom cloud sept of baelor style to “destroy the nathrezim infiltrators among us misleading the high king in a time of crisis”. She is of course hanged immediately for crippling Stormwind mid defence, the magistrate in charge of the execution giving her a parting smirk with his eyes glowing green. Her raving protests are cut short.


Bad ending for Akamito is that he kills Kump.


My hair regrows and I walk off, smiling, into the sunset.

Then something like this happens, where I’m joined by the rest of my characters:


permanent forum ban


Thank you for bringing some positivity to a thread where most of us are cursed by gritty realism. And kudos to you for knowing Buckaroo Banzai, somebody give this guy a trophy!

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In some regards I’ve already kind of experienced what I’d deem to be Clovus’ “perfect end”. He won’t have a happy ending; he doesn’t deserve it after all the things he’s done. Ideally, I’d want him to go out after a mistake of his own making, either by trusting the wrong person, trying to pick a fight with one too many people, underestimating his opponents and so on. Having him die as a result of his own hubris would be the most cathartic way for him to go for sure, doubly so if it’s at the hands of one of the many people he’s wronged over the years.

Aside from him, though… I haven’t really thought of how I think my other characters will go out. I could see some retire and just choke to death during a meal, some might live out their days in peace and some will probably just go down fighting. Whatever happens, happens.

Syanidi already sipping that Maldraxxi bone marrow juice. Until she dies in Shadowlands and makes the whole azeroth disappear

Gets clapped on the toilet like Elvis


Vax gets imprisoned somewhere deep underground, to be left forever stuck in her body.

The antivaxxers get her at last.


u_u such is the fate of the vaxer

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Shonn ending … hard to say, I envision three possibilities for the most. Aging. The good old aging, the mundane way. On a battlefield, at some point, but ‘armistice’ and the like makes that less and less likely. To marry with the wrong person (a gold / social status digger), and get murdered for inheritance purposes at some point … that too. Edit: [The latter may have even happened somewhen in the future but alas the counterpart lost interest in RP, bringing an end to that storyline.]

Since she is now a Blood elf might as well write a new ending.

Good ending:

She dies bravely in battle fighting for Quel’thalas protection.

Bad ending:

She falls off a cliff

I mean ingame I can’t even count how many times I fell off a cliff with a pathetic death. Even Bwonsamdi laughed at me.

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That was a fast change!

But why not have the best of both worlds? She could always fall off a cliff while taking the enemies of Quel’Thalas with her.

Never thought I’d live to see the day to see my DK become antivaxxer. Then again, he unironically took up his runeblade because he didn’t want to be used as a plague experiment…

He does that with everyone, so you’re not alone.


Probably he dies from trying to hard to get ahaed, only showing to much prowess and will in the company… Making the bosses- and goblins jelous, and ends up being assasinated later on…

Not sure if its ended yet but the- Intermission is surely due.

The dwarf looked out over the snowy peaks, Cliff laying still by his side, calm and collected. The gryphon Cliff was more of a calm adventurer then Tharragh ever was. Even so at the moment, the dwarf was more on edge then the beast by his side. The days since he had visited Kirthaven had turned into weeks, weeks into months and months… Well soon enough it was a year gone by…

"Och! Cliff lad. Maybe we should be stayin op ére. Et be a nice calm to et aye?" Tharragh said and nodded as if the gryphon could understand. The beast did not, it barely bother to look at the dwarf. Yet he continued to speak: "Aye, et´ll be settled then. We shall stay op ´ere fer awhile longer. The winds be in need oof some songs, so es water and earth… And maybe Ay´ll finally master tae speak with fire aswell…"

The winds whispered something, the earth rumbled, and water started to moist his cheeks in response. And the dwarf, aswell as his animal companion knew they had their path set before them…


I don’t really have one, but I have once imagined him using the light in a situation to protect people to such an extent that he damaged himself and either dies to his own light use or gets cut down or blown up by the enemy, since he’s unfortunately not a race that is very compatible with light.

My main either dies at peace and smiling or bashing her head into a wall a little harder than intended due to her frustration with the Horde.

My Shatterspear dies of old age, trying with all his remaining life to do one last song and dance before the end after the spirits tell him it’s his time. This grandpa will dance the whole way to the Other Side.

My non-horde trolls die the way all non-horde trolls die… in a random quest chain Blizzard wrote into a new expansion or just plain forgotten about.

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