Your character's ending

Oh my word, I laughed and snorted at this, and it did something weird to my sinuses. Hat’s off to you for working with the multiple possible endings there.

Permission to copy this method for those of us who want to brainstorm on the different possible ways our toons could take a bow?

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Why not, (if ur writing to me ), i copied someone else anyway lol, when it came to “bad ending” “good ending” “blahblah ending”, that is


Indeed I was! I like your different takes and how you held true to each. I guess I’ll give it a go; maybe others might try it too.

Good ending: like my earlier post, Zul’keresh would continue fighting local Azerothian conflicts, choosing whichever side he felt was right, until he died in a hail of arrows and fireballs. His descendants would venerate his shrine for centuries.

Neutral ending: he dies fighting, but far earlier than he’s expected, probably in a freak battlefield accident like a crashing zeppelin or goblin sapper with poor aim. His descendants forget him eventually.

Bad ending: he dies of natural causes in old age. Nothing would be worse for him.

Secret ending: he falls into a ports through the Twisting Nether and enters the Nexus, battling in Heroes of the Storm for the rest of his days.

Weird ending: he falls through an interdimensional portal and lands in the Hello Kitty universe. He’s never quite sure if any of it is real or not.

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We may never know, Narmë. He intends to live forever.


Mind that when I said ending, I didn’t necessarilly meant death ! Moreso, what’s the epilogue of their story.

I think my lady draenei will eventually finish mourning her daughter, and concentrate her efforts on building on the Myst Isles, for both draenei and night elves, while studying in her free time. Maybe find a way to go back on Argus one day.

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elyrius ending:

  1. rich
  2. powerful
  3. lots of gfs (hes hot)

not much more to say. this is basically already the case but it will be the same when i stop playing him.

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  1. sathrynn runs over elyrius in her monster truck on her way to watch a storm with her new helmet

not having this. lock your doors i am coming

The mad pilot will continue the terror bombings over the ruins of Lordaeron, a thorn on the side of every faction fighting over the rotten lands. Eventually old Woody is meeting his end - most likely brought to justice by the Argents or the Kingdom of Stormwind. His death will be by public execution.

But that’s not happening, because I’m back! Though I have not done any RP on Wudmaer for many months now.


I’ve always seen the future final chapter of Director Jeremy S. Lochton to either, die on one of his adventures for relics or riches, or die because he crossed the line too far among some hostile member of society, or race.


Randal is eternal.

Alright fine,

I kind of left Arian in a bad spot when I left so I feel quite regrettable about it but if I wrote now an ending it would be like this:

After being finally rescued from the clutches of the San’layn, and somehow he was given free liberty from the Worgen curse and the San’layn’s experimentation given him an elven body, he would settle down and make a life and a family in a relatively comfort and luxury, writing stories of his experiences in book detail (Hence my written stories), songs and poetry for the rest of his life.

But as it stands now…he’s in for a bad ending sadly. And it’s a really wierd plot I put in motion.
Ah well, my regrets for not making an elf character in the first place.

Shiny and chrome.

undelete it, coward
your post made me incredibly curious, curiosity that can never be truly sated

I was just checking if the I can still reply. Since my sub gone.

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carry on, then

retire to the pandaria countryside.
open a teashop.
only customers end up being pandaren spirits and sprites.
actually died and went onto the notshadowlands spirit world.
enjoys jasmine tea with the spirits forever in its only tea shop


This reminds me of Uncle Iroh from the Last Air Bender. In other words, I love it.


Bro, you’re the writer. You can always switch around the story structure for a happier ending. It’s entirely your decision, you character torturer.


Itzama’tul is 100% going down with his sword in hand. He has already shrugged off getting assassinated (aka was in a coma) and is now filled with such an amount of RIGHTEOUS FURY that a violent end is coming inevitably. He will not go quietly into the night.

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