Your characters name - What does it mean?

Pretty much what the title says. We all have a character we play most on or post most on. Maybe a favourite character.

What is the story behind your characters name? Alternatively what does your characters name mean?

My own I suppose is pretty self-explanatory.



very attractive or delightful; charming

worthy of being [adored]

So, what is your name and what is the story/meaning?


en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Maschinenmensch

The Maschinenmensch (literally ‘machine-human’ in German) is a fictional robot featured in Fritz Lang’s film Metropolis. It/she was played by German actress Brigitte Helm both as a robot and in human guise. A gynoid (female robot or android), she was created by the scientist Rotwang. Maschinenmensch was one of the first fictional robots ever depicted in cinema and still one of the most famous.
It has been given several names through the decades: Parody, Ultima, Machina, Futura, Robotrix, False Maria, Robot Maria, Roboria and Hel.


This is both my main and posting char. The name was taken from Lord Nasher Alagondar from Neverwinter Nights. Had him since 2010 when I started playing WoW


That is such a great name, and 100% suits a Mechagnome!


Naxxos - was randomly generated in my D3 days my DH then was Naxxos, in WoW it became Naxxos. I also found out it is a Greek island later on.

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Oh, a character with roots from way back when. That’s really nice. :heartpulse:

When I first signed up way back in Vanilla was struggling to come up with a name - looked around my room and spotted a chemistry text book by EN Ramsden et voilla


I just wanted a name that sounds good for a Tauren and sounds simple.

It doesn’t mean anything as far as I am aware although apparently Bromal is a type of synthetic liquid that can be used as a hypnotic so there’s that. I just looked that up now though.

Funnily enough typing “Brommul” into Google yields some of my posts on forums as the first hits. Haha.

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I have no idea :woozy_face:

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There’s a region in Pokémon called Johto.
Remove the h and swap an o for an i and you have Jito!

I like the J and o sound in a short word. It sticks.

It is my wife’s name.


The real name of this character is actually Lynarise Crimsonflare. But the name she uses is another story…

See, during my training as a priest, I used to sneak into the magisters’ quarters as it’s literally across our place in Sunfury Spire. When no one was looking, I was reading their vast libraries of knowledge, and stumbled into a word with a dark meaning in a language not spoken by any denizen of Azeroth.

I took the word, and changed it to sound brighter. I’ve been using it as my nickname ever since.


Nothing as far as I know.

Apparently it has no conventional meaning, at least not any I could find through a web search.

I seen the name in the PS2 title “Ico the Game” which I still own copies off.

Ameerah means “Princess” in Arabic.



Aldanil is Quenya (one of two middle-earth elven languages (other one being Sindarin)) and translates to “Lover of trees”. Thought it would be kinda fitting :slight_smile:

Also got a human hunter named Qendemir, inspired by Aragorn. His name roughly translates to Elven Jewel or Friend of elves.


Tindomiriel means Daugther of Twilight


A Bulgarian beer.


I name my characters after the ones I used in my old short stories where I used the following naming convention:

  • choose a word what the character is all about
  • see how it’s said in different languages
  • choose one that sounds cool (and maybe sometimes change the ending so it sounds more like a name)

Lysende means luminous in Danish. While it might be more appropriate for a priest, I created a druid first, and my original Lysende was all about sunshine (both literally, using magic taken from the Sun, and figuratively, meaning she was showing the way to the group “in the dark”), and was an environmentalist, so I found it appropriate for a happy-go-lucky cheerful treehugger druid.