Your Dream Guild?

Bassed bros


Brokiss in 10 chars


An Alliance guild with a generic concept (Knightly Order, mercenary group, some holy relief effort, military unit etc) that is a front for a Burning Legion Cult or some other secret cabal that wants power and ancient artifacts.

The lower ranks would be kept in the dark both IC and OOC about the actual purpose of the guild and what the leadership want (but still get hints that things are a bit off) while those who have been promoted to veterans start handling/contributing to more evil events and storylines involving abductions, sacrifices and such. Eg. a Heartsbane Coven survivor making a cult like this outside Kul Tiras.

A man can dream.


The unattainable dream. Although I know the Proudhorn Nomads(?) managed to pull something similar off as a short time story.

A true nomadic Tauren tribe or band, moving from place to place, trading and working together with other guilds on the road and having a strong sense of community. Working together to achieve goals that aren’t always (although sometimes will be) about killing/fighting. Things like ensuring there are plenty of supplies, finding and taming kodo, building tents and scouting forward to find new places to settle. Visions and :poop:. You know.

Sadly there just aren’t enough Tauren mains to ever make it viable in the long term, but it’s still a beautiful idea.

Also maybe just a bodybuilder guild. Dudes getting buff and flexing their stuff in Orgrimmar for all to see and appreciate.


I’d love to see another entertainment guild pop up; illusionist, sword eaters, fire breathers, contortionists, etc. I enjoyed seeing it happen and being involved in it in the past, it brought out some wonderful creativite people and some memorable moments for me. Seeing them create travelling shows, holiday themed community events and more. I may just well join it should such arise!

There’s also just adventuring/explorers guilds too. Competing against others for relics and riches, assisting where they possibly can and more!


my dream guild is one that can support itself,
rather than having to relay on the gm and officers to provide the activities

like a self generating RP machine where the only input I need to make is my own whenever I have time to provide it.


If I wasn’t in my most favouritist guild evar already?

Hm, well, I’ve always liked the idea of a monk-only guild. Training, being all secretive, disciplined, taught by experts/masters in each celestial discipline with an overarching grandmaster. I’d call it something like the Red Lotus as a nod to Mortal Kombat’s White Lotus Society which is mostly made up of shaolin monks. And of course, red for the Horde.

There’s always buzz around DK or DH guilds. I think Pandaren and monk lore is rich enough to justify a monk guild. But I’m very happy where I am right now :slight_smile:

What about a nomadic troupe of really swole, strongman Tauren?

If anyone opposes them, they just flex on them until they admit defeat.

I am reminded of the episode of Malcolm in the Middle where Hal befriends a group of muscle heads at the local park.

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A guild of orcish wind riders… the military branch kind.

I have the entire concept worked out on paper, even have a semi-finished codex in .pdf format.



Orgrimmar Blood Elf RPer encounters swole body building guild.

edit: googling “buff minotaur” was a mistake and i should have known it would be before i typed in the words

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That scene in the remake is going to be magical.

can’t wait

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I like the multiracial triplets!

Dream guild would be a nomadic group of both kinds of tauren and vulpera. Faction neutral who learn from each other techniques on how to live well in various environments. Trading with races regardless of faction leaning.

A joint Vulpera/Tauren guild would be based and someone should absolutely make it.


Where do I sign up?

You do it. I’m on the phone.

I weep in the Night Watch Guard. :frowning:

Morbid curiosity revealed immediate genitalia on hulked out bull men

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Thank you for your sacrifice.