Your Dream Guild?

My old guild, “Red Company”.

Best RP I’ve had on this realm.

Neutral guild RP would be nice.
Return of proper Argent and Cenarion guilds in the Plaguelands and Moonglade/Felwood/Desolace.
Both factions taking part, taking full advantage of the tools now available for cross faction RP.

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Ultimately, if a guild fit into my exact OOC preferences in terms of size, activity, personalities, and approach to roleplay, I wouldn’t care what the concept was. I think most of WoW’s races and classes offer something interesting that I can find interesting for roleplay. What’s most important is who I’m doing it with.


You have no right to invoke that name…

This except it shouldn’t ignore three hundred years of interclan war and conflict cause 'muh faction leaders’…


A meaningful DK guild that’s not solely focused on the military aspect.

A meaningful dragon RP guild.

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A Death Knight guild based on a twist on the Round Table theme would be super interesting. Undead knights bound with bonds of brotherhood. :pray:

I’m not sure how much purpose it is for a Death Knight, to not be involved with serving the living and hunting down possible threats!
But then again, I’m not a DK roleplayer, so I just know a few bits, so feel free to enlighten me!

probably a guild like the one on idk


Dream guild? Human PCU guild. Simple as that

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I’d like to see some sort of cool neutral mage guild that’s not part of Kirin Tor come up. Or some kind of alliance between Void Elves and Blood Elves where they assist each other and slowly work towards a potential reunion.

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As someone who RP in Duskwood (Yeah I know booooo bad hub, say whatever you want, I like it x))
I have always wished for a proper light guild. This… I know is somewhat controversial if you look at somewhat recent events…
I don’t want another zealot guild running around like they own the place while trying to purge every single shady character… No, quite the contrary.

Duskwood have so much potential for a good light guild. Be it paladins or priests doesn’t matter. But their IC goal should be to be “A guiding light in the darkness”.
When all the evil of the forest comes to bite you, the good light wielders are there to protect you.
They keep to themselves, they don’t try to enforce imaginary rules, they don’t try to convince anyone that light is the only salvation… No. They are the embodiment of what paladins and priests are all about if you check the lore.
They are not hateful, they are not forceful, they are not insane.
They wish only to help those in need…

That, that is what I would like to see.
And there’s alot of potential for something like that in Duskwood.
Many have tried, and many have failed. I wish someone will look at this post, get what I’m trying to say and make something out of it.

I mean, ICly I’m obviously going to hate this guild. But OOC, I would love it


Sadly, barely any baddies exist in Duskwood, just a bucketload of hero characters (of which a considerable part is atheists) :pensive:

As you said, many have tried and failed. Perhaps that potential isn’t so great at all.

Most of those who tried, aimed to rule the zone, or be over the top zealous… Or both of them combined

I do however know that there’s plenty of villain guilds on the rise with this patch. So I look forward to see where that is going.

I’ve been on a campaign for last couple of weeks so I have no clue about the current state of the zone

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For my own dream guild.

There is an NPC clan in Kun-Lai created by our guild master, led by his character’s father Wei Lian, and used in some storylines. The clan has been given tons of detail, including plentiful artwork to establish its look and feel, and is extremely appealing to me. But there’s many reasons it won’t ever feasibly be made a guild.

  1. The clan’s key membership has already mostly been named and detailed, and it’d be essentially impossible to find people wanting to RP pre-existing character concepts rather than bringing their own characters into a guild.

  2. A lot of the appeal of RPing with the clan is the very fleshed out mountain village in which it resides. While the village itself is rather small - just a hundred buildings in total perhaps, something that plausibly wouldn’t make the cut of being featured in the limited in-game map - it’s still essentially impossible to represent ingame, and even if you tried you’d lose so much of its charm. Works for discord RP, less so for an actual guild.

  3. Joining the clan has harsh requirements, even if you’d be willing to work your way up from the bottom. You have to either be born in or marry in. With the clan also being staunchly pandaren-only and distrustful of outsiders, it’d be hard to maintain a member base.

It’s my dream, though.

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I’ve been in my ‘dream guild’ twice. In that both were a group of amazing people who did pve, pvp and RP together with no drama to speak of and had amazing but simple concepts that just clicked. And every second was -amazing-. One in LOTRO, the other in SWTOR.

Did find a guild that I would call a dream concept in WoW but I don’t see it lasting, sadly.

That said my current guild, the Frozen Paw, certainly fits that bill in many ways. Friendly, RP is regular and it has a semi-travel tribal theme going, which I adore. I can’t say I ask much more from guilds since over the years I’ve learnt you can’t really expect much more.

I think the only way a guild like this, for discord or forum roleplay, could truly appeal is if the players interested were involved in the creative process behind many of the NPCs - particularly the ones that they want to play.

Otherwise I imagine it would fall into the trap that many WoW guilds are accused of; the members play the role of furniture as the GM decides exactly what happens and it typically centres on thenselves.

Wish we could make our own guild halls and settlements though :pepe_hands:

My dream is basically that clan but as an in-game guild.

Too many hurdles, as you’ve noticed. But it’s a dream.

I feel that perhaps the Harvest Witches might be the best bet for that. However as much as I’d like to think of incorporating Celtic traditions into a Harvest Witch guild, I fear that might tread into Headcannon and bubble RP though :frowning:

Inspiration from real world Celtic practices and incorporating it into a small sect of Harvest Witches for their own rituals wouldn’t be particularly headcanon, provided it wasn’t forced on anyone.

A bit of creative license is fine, especially when we’re given very little to work with.