Your favorite Dragon aspect?

Why no one says that

Everyone are Malygos fan o.o

Nozdormu and Deathwing <3


Cataclysm made Deathwing into a meme for me. He just flew between zones to monologue and then eventually turned into a tentacle monster for one of the most underwhelming final bosses of an expansion.

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I agree, still!
He is an ancient evil since WotA!
He looks cool and fiery

Same as his mighty children and creations

Aside from jokes, nice opinions! Wish to see more :3

I wish Deathwing had been more “rage personified”. He had one or two too many monologues (thinking of Twilight Highlands and pre-Ultraxion). He should’ve been a force of brutal destructive nature, not a careful twilight dragon schemer.


From an person who has not delved into Dragon Lore too much I think both Alexstrasza and Malygos are both compelling characters.

Alexstrasza the Aspect of Life, abused by the very nature in which she was supposed to protect and not only that but actively assists that same race in their war against the Lich King.


Fair idea, i agree, perhaps the scheme thing was better to be unique to Nefarian or another individual, even I don’t mind that too much, but of course would’ve been cooler

Kalecgos. Just an ordinary dude (alright, dragon with weird human fetish) who was given great power and tried to do his best with it. To read his chapters in Tides of War was kinda heartbreaking, to see the blue dragonflight to just give up and him eventually realizing that there is no point in keeping it together. And then basically the same happened with other Aspects, fortunately he was at least able to persuade them.

Neltharion and Malygos are also great, simply for being tragic characters. One suffers because of his powers and gets corrupted trying to find a way out while the other sees his entire family wiped out and go mad. And then, when he finally regains his sanity, he sees mortals carelessly using magic, he tries to stop them and harms Azeroth in the process.



Blue stuff.


The void flows within you…

Hmm …

Void is purple though.

Blue void is fake.

Oh, but it seems to be going to purple…

It’s also similar to the Sha of pride…

Eyes Pandaren :eyes:

I never said it wasn’t the Sha of Pride…

I scooped up some of his… stuff… when I killed him.

For completely legitimate reasons, yes sir.

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Ysera)) I like her very much

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Mother of dreams…
She’s so good
Her death…
Tbh i really cried when saw it…

The video… It was both beautiful, and tragic, whoever made it, made it well, as affected emotions well…


For those that didn’t watch it

I liked Malygos because he died when dragons were still relevant.


Btw Ysera and Alexstrasza are dressed skimpily as a reference to ancient fertility goddess (life, nature) depictions. Strictly speaking they could do with having more prominent sexually dimorphic characteristics (eg. ) but I’ll take what I can get.

Damn phillistines not recognising genius references smh :angry:


An answer worth of 200 IQ person. I applaud you, good sir.

On more serious note, I think it was mentioned somewhere that dragons find mortal forms aesthetically appealing, so maybe some dragons would want to wear clothes that don´t hide those forms as much (after all, even Nozdormu is bare-chested), therefore explaining their questionable transmog choice.

Ysera and malygos… well, they are both dead.

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so eh, what is the dark lady’s excuse?
bare in mind her first model was a fully dressed night elf.