Your Forum Moderators are biased and unprofessional and your company is a hollow space

Just because I can use Forums while at job doesnt make me you :joy:

they did.

You have to know how to play the system. :sunglasses:

Sometimes forum bans are just silly though. I got one overturned about a year or so ago, when I was ā€˜banned for trollingā€™, but I made my arguments in a ticket and got my ban undone. Sometimes a moderator doesnā€™t quite have enough context.

1703 posts AFTER the reset ? Damn dude

I do, thatā€™s why this one was removed real quick because of appeal and thatā€™s why i never get banned! :joy:

shhh or big bullyā€™s gonna come in your DMs :))

I work from home so I can look at the forums when I like.

We only carried around 200-250 post count with us in the move as those were the topics migrated over.

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Itā€™s all automated. I doubt mods would do anything unless thereā€™s an appeal. They are just lazy and donā€™t care.

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they can bully you instead about the post count now. :joy: cavalry arrived.

yes they are :))


Iā€™m sure half of that was in a discussion where I was quoted a gazillion times and I will always reply :laughing:

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Yes, if you donā€™t reply to yourself, itā€™s not considered bumping, so your post count will legally increase :slight_smile:

I am pretty sure I can reply to myself. But I donā€™t post to bump my post count. I really donā€™t care that we lost our post count from the old forum.

Dude called us all cucks for using Blizzā€™s products. I remarked that by that definition wasnā€™t he one too?

I got slapped for that. I guess I could have worded it better but meh.

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i think she has arround 100+ replies in the thread about the alliance warmode buff :smile:

Donā€™t remind me!!!

I visited that post multiple times during the day and it seemed like they never bothered to actually read what you said ā€¦

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It is the first time I have ever dreaded clicking on my little icon to see what replies/likes/quotes/responses etc Iā€™ve had.

We read. We just didnā€™t agree.

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Not exactly, I was misquoted, quoted out of context, then those quotes were even more misquoted and the cycle went on to the point that I couldnā€™t make a single point and just endlessly had to explain over and over and over again.

I really hated that thread.

You guys were really unfair imo, that was way past the point of not agreeing with each other

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Pretty sure I wasnā€™t unfair, but I just canā€™t agree with her points in that case. Iā€™ve agreed to disagree though.

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