Your Roleplaying Resolutions

So, we’re coming to the end of what’ll most likely be called a pretty damn crappy year, for reasons outside of the game that I’m sure everyone is more than aware of by now. But with the year ending, and a new year on the horizon, maybe there’s some things we can all strive to improve on, and I think that can apply to roleplaying as well - maybe a goal you’ve had in mind for a character for a while, but is yet to come to fruition, or a guild concept you’ve wanted to make but hasn’t come about yet, or maybe even just something like using certain words and phrases less.

For me personally, mine is to find a character and just stick with it. Throughout 2020 I levelled an absurd amount of alts and dropped them just as fast as I picked them up, and while I’m not currently doing that, I could stand to really focus on playing one or two RP toons rather than trying (and failing) to juggle some wide roster of characters.


This, pretty much!

Oh man, I’ve got a couple. Besides the one said of sticking a single character…

  • Stay committed to plots/stories. Either my own or others’.
  • Involve myself more in community things.
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I know ye can do it lad!

As for me, I’ll do as I’ve always done: Improve my roleplay and make new friends and contacts. One can never have enough of those, am I right?

Happy New Year ye wonderful bastards!

my resolution is to continue brightening everyone’s experience with my presence.

no need to thank me


I suppose i’ll try and man up, enough to see my guild concept actually take flight.

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Make Morsteth lose his hairline by the end of 2021.


Oh man I got one;

With a new job beginning at the end of January; my resolution is trying to stay/become a bit more active in RP then I currently am…

I know it can be done, but I have alot of things I need to do outside of WoW aswell, and thats even before my new job is going to start!

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Congrats on the new job. Competitive place in all sectors atm.

Mine is to get more involved in the RP community and see if I can contribute in a meaningful way. At the moment, I’m bouncing around the end game doing dailies and weeklies to advance the plot but I can tell that the main storytelling from the corporation is coming to an end.

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Find a chill RP guild to join and RP with them.

Organise a bunch of events, both for guildies and outside of that.
Somewhat tied to that - get some personal stories going for some of my characters!

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Actually try and get back into RP again ahah


^ This. So much this.

I’ll try to RP more, I guess

For Sax to become a real boy.

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I continue onward, for I am resolute.

Opening my magical inn and creating lasting connections between patrons and artists!

Having nice character arcs, and helping others to have them too.

Have actually chill and enjoyable moments of RP, rather than those which gives more stress.

Okay so I run a lot of those mini campaigns where I take one guild out a night, but this year I’d love to have the manpower & resources to do one of those “Lots of guilds in one or two zones” for a week campaigns - I already have a suitably dramatic plot in mind for it, and a zone or two, I’d just need the guilds and the NPC volunteers!


In an actual serious answer though:

My resolution is for my worgen to complete an arc and feel like he’s accomplished something of note. Overcoming his inherent problems possibly.

Honestly I’m never really sure what my goals with Sax are, and that sometimes leaves me floundering.