Your Roleplaying Resolutions

Expansion launches usually do this to rp i’ve found, though its nice to see that there’s a bit more liveliness about SL than BFA. Faction war expansions tend to feel far more tedious as time goes on.
If SL is anything like WoD there’s going to be a lot more RP done that’s away from the expansion focus, which is usually a good idea.

Try and get back into RP. I’ve been really uninspired the past month in terms of writing and progressing the characters I have.

Oof, that’s hard. Most of the plans I’ve had are being set in motion already, so I just have to keep working on them.
With that said, I’ve not been doing a lot of writing outside of RP recently, so I definitely have to get back into that.

Did the same, I recently hit that delete button a few times and made a rule for myself I am not allowed to have so many I can scroll the character list. My RP resolution is that I will stick to one character and hopefully have time to join a RP guild on that one.

My RP resolution is to have less RP.

Because of my timezone, most RP ends at 2am my time, or 3 if I’m particularly engaged. This isn’t good for my health and has actually caused health problems before, even though I have enough sleep (and wake up also unusually late for my timezone).


Kill the next warlock that I see.

To quit RP.


Try and get back into it. My RP activity over the past year has dwindled to zero, mostly due to anxiety preventing me from ever approaching anyone. I really hope to tackle that next year because I feel like I’m missing out, and spend a lot of time in-game feeling quite lonely.

More stories to tell. MORE.

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This. Exact. Thing. I’m a raging altoholic, and it really isn’t a good idea. So yeah! I’ll try to find one char and develop them ^^. Happy new year!

If you ever need someone to slowly get back into RP without pressure (you can log off whenever you need, no hard feelings!), I’d love to RP with you and help you ease back into it! :relaxed:

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My RP resolution?

Getting back to it. I have this bad habit of thinking “I believe my character is interesting, surely people will approach me” which really is a subjective opinion that has no basis of affirmation except my own… When it doesn’t pan out that way, it’s easy to get frustrated and thinking perhaps I’m not that good.
I know it ain’t no mentality to adopt, I know it but I still fail to not fall off the wagon. So I’ll try my best to do what I think I should have gotten… Approach first (Now if only I wasn’t so awkward at it).

Another resolution is to shave off my character roster. It’s ridiculous the amount of alts I have and don’t play not touch for PvE, PvP, professions or gathering… This needs to stop so I’ll delete any character I got no history with or significant attachment to.

(Say goodbye to Overcraft)

My goal is to have fun, stress myself less over RP and build up my guild again.
It’s going to be a rough journey, but one that I’m sure I can manage, with time.

That’s so lovely, thank you. :hugs: I’ve sent you an in-game mail with my discord tag. I really appreciate the offer and hope to chat about it soon.

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Mine is to get back into roleplaying more characters.

Will you tell me some as well? :pleading_face:

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My roleplay resolution is to not get stood up by Obahar at 8pm in the Stormwind Graveyard again.


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IRL got in the way there. We’ll get our graveyard RP, friend.

Not normally one to blaze through the forums, I found this one particularly interesting. So here goes one of my atrociously rare comments;

My roleplay resolution for this year is to -slow down- as it were. 2020 was a year where I was intertwined in a massive ball of plots (many of my own making) - and as we all know; this can get out of hand.

Thusly! This year I aim to pursue fewer -plots- but dive far deeper into them than ever before. I’m a storybuilder at heart, so I won’t be giving it up. Far from. But I definitely need to polish off my system.

I’ve got a whole backstory and character ‘plan’ lined up for Dravois here that I plan on using for events with both friends and anyone who may be interested. So my resolution is to stick with this girl and keep her going through Shadowlands and hopefully the next few expansions too.

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