You're a Blizzard employee tasked with making the game worse

What are your 3 key decisions to reach this goal?


make orc grunts in orgrimar wear dresses to accomodate elven fashion
add glitter and crystals to orgrimar to accomodate elven population (over 50% of horde)
add more glamorous and fashionable dialogues for horde npcs to go in line with their elven population

I see nothing wrong with that.


Max vault to +25
Clearing raid is required to enter m+
You need to watch streamers on twitch to get a keystone


1- Add GCD to everything, and extend the game’s GCD from 1.5 seconds to 3 seconds
2- Remove Secondary stats and Tertiary stats
3- Give every boss multiple immunity phases and bloat boss fights with oneshot mechanics


Add more players to the game. The miserable sods will find something to whinge and moan about to make it worse.

1: Listen to the players
2: Make it free to play
3: make a console port


Yes and give us Vrykul and Ogres!

Yes, don´t get me wrong, because during the worst expansions don´t make sense being pay to win but free to play

In the best expansions like Cataclysm and Legion made sense being pay to win



yes, because of Great stories, Great raids, easy raids, great PvP and great dungeons except Seat of the Triumvirate (Argus dungeon)


Are you out of your mind?

Legion is the expansion that deleted any kind of nuance and subtlety in PvP.
Interactions such as using Scare Beast on a Feral druid, or Shackle Undead on a DK who used Lichborne were no longer possible because both these abilities were removed.

The massive dumbing down of class design in Legion lead to PvP becoming all about raw damage. Basically, PvP became PvE.


No free2play is bad. Don’t want Fortnite players in wow

That´s you said about your main that lost many abilities from monk

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Both specs from my Monk*.
I main Mistweaver, but Windwalker also lost unique abilities, such as Tigereye Brew, being replaced by a generic reskin of Avenging Wrath in the form of Serenity.

But Monk isn’t the only class that got worse in Legion.

Every single spec got dumbed down.
For example, Legion deleted Backstab from rogues, an ability that required them to position themselves in the back of their targets.
It got replaced by Shadowstrike, which teleports them there.


Which would make the game worse, & that is the title of the thread.

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Reintroduce artifact weapons but also make them gated behind covenants that you have to spend 2 weeks to switch and no catch up.

Reintroduce master looter and make it mandatory, in LFR a random player gets the master looter role and they alone decides who gets what.

Introduce a 1 week lockout on mythic plus dungeons, only 1 key per dungeon doable every week.

  1. Grant a BiS item for leaving right before the last boss (to one person only).
  2. Lessen the number of possible active m+ qeues to 1 (now 5).
  3. Break a piece of your gear every time you die.

Add more real word politics directly into the game (if the value can be even incrased at this point)

Mix up ingame races, cultures, lore even more till everything became a big grey, tastless syrup in name of diversity and inclusivity

Erase any trace left of the old lore, feeling of Warcraft since it’s old, then it must be outdated, not lovely-dovely enough for current “needs”.

i’d make mythic impossible just to spite the raiding community for making job of balancing the game harder :smiley: and when they complain i’ll show proof of the dev team clearing the raid and tell them to stop being bad and git gud

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I would say…

  • return torghast grind and make it mandatory to farm every week,if you skip one,you loose all progress
    -allow boosting (we all are missing to see WTS in Lfg (its still there just not so much as it was before)
    -increase scaling im m+,along with increasing requirements for KSM and the Vault
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