Today unlocked flying in Siren’s isle. But when I switch storm weather.
It still cant flying
That was known all along, besides, the only thing to do in stormy weather is a few kill-quests, you need to be on the ground to do those, anyway.
^^ This.
We were never going to be able to fly in the storm phase, this was known even before the island was released. And it would be mostly pointless anyway.
Regardless we can still use our glider kits and the rocket + glider, so there’s no reason we shouldn’t be able to fly in the storms ourself.
That´s your interpretation and you´re welcome to it. I personally feel that it makes complete sense to not be able to fly in a storm that, according to lore, already made it impossible even sail there. There’s a reason pilots talk about “good flying weather” and generally don’t meen “in the middle of a hurricane”
But regardless of that, it changes nothing about it never having been planned, nor advertised, and therefore complaining about it not being included is kind of fail.
I mean, the burger patties I bought this morning don´t include chicken, “despite” explicitly saying beef on the package… So is that a problem with the patties themselves, or with false advertising… or rather with me expecting something I was never promised and was explicitly told was not going to be the case?
I don’t care if it was told or not, I just care that it should be consistent and logical. If they don’t want us to fly because of reason X, then similar ways of traversing shouldn’t still be possible.
AAh, ok, I seem to have misunderstood your intent… need more coffee…
On that I actually agree, the storm phase should at least “Push us off course” when using rockets and gliders. It shouldn´t necessarily be impossible, but it should be significantly harder
This is very much not what bothers me. The fact that Siren Isle flying isn’t account wide is what bothers me.
I think that is what most players are focused on and rightly so.
The fly mount is useless btw
Since day 1 there is nothing to do with thise lazy content isle
Then, maybe just don’t do it?
I know, what a truly wild idea, only playing the parts of a game you actually consider to be fun or useful.
flying in storm is dangerous anyway
Kind of hilarous… people are always campaigning for more realism in the game, “Just Port it to UE 5”.
But actual realism? Like an old man in a wheelchair, or not being able to fly in a freaking hurricane? Nah, that´s too much
Although I think it would’ve been pretty funny if we COULD fly in the storm phase, but have it be a lot like flying when your character is completely drunk, but even worse!
Having to dodge lightning bolts would be fun
This is great news! But still bad cant fly in storm
Nobody can, and it shouldn´t be expected to be added because it was always said that it wouldn´t be possible … If enough people complain it might, but I wouldn´t necessarily count on it
Who needs flying on Sirens Isle anyway? It so small you can cross it in less than a minute.
Moreover you got the rockets.
But, I hated annyoing trash try attack me. Dizzy and unmount slow. If I try skip them.
It’s why I wanted flying in storm too. Easy away from trash npcs