Okay but why are you there in the first place?
Farm Flame-Blessed Irons with daily quest from my alts.
Since I dont have much farm when non-flying. Waited 6 weeks later.
I think he means in the storm phase, where the daily quests are generally to kill the very mobs you´re trying to get away from, using stupidly overpowered gadgets and every so often a “normal” skill or 2…
It’s a pity they couldn’t. I’d have laughed if Blizzard then programmed it that soon as you take off in the storm phase you lose all control and fly erratically until you faceplant into the ground or a mountain.
Then sit back and read the outrage from drama queens on the forum. Oh no you can’t fly in a very small island that you can access every point of… However will you survive those 5 wasted seconds.
“Oh I missed the rare!”
Yeah. The rare that spawns in a few minutes again…
people don’t like change do they
Or when things stay the same, for that matter
I remember when a rare mob was actually rare, and not a guaranteed spawn on a timer so that everyone and his mother could kill teh “rare” mob that spawns mroe often that normal mobs used to…
We need to make a political campaign out of this, MARRA, “Make Azeroth’s Rares Rare Again”, or MARGE “Make Azerothian Rares Great Everywhere”
I second that!
These people never camped Sholozar basin as a hunter hoping that they had chosen the correct spawn point for Loque’Nahak and that…
A. No other hunters were around.
B. No achievement hunters were around who interrupted your tame and killed it,
C. You were on a PvP realm and you weren’t getting ganked every 5 seconds by a gang of rival faction players helping their hunter guildie guard a spawn point.
Yes. When I tamed Loque I screamed at the top of my voice “AHAAAAAAAAA GOTCHA YOU WHITE C…!!”
At 6 am as my NPC_Scan blared it’s horn warning waking me from a restless sleep
*Edit. Soulclaimer still uses that very same Loque nahak and all my hunters have a Loque!
Another fun rare tame… The two cats in the Firelands phase of Hyjal, the ones where when it was current the only way to tame them was run around naked as it’s damage was scaled to your armour.
Full armour? One shot swipe.
No armour standing in a spot full of angry meanies summoning huge lava rocks… Yeah that’ll work… just stay away from the meanies who will pulverize you.
God I loved WoW at that time.
Congrats on teh tames
Can you imagine if current players had to camp out the TLPD? Or repeatedly kill the damn spider-thingie in Deepholm over and over every few hours hours hoping for Aeonaxx to spawn?
The forums would be nothing but pitchforks and tiki torches for weeks until the hotfix gets released that makes them spawn every 30 seconds
I have NEVER once seen that NPC and I spent hours… HOURS!!! Flying that ring of rocks above the floor hoping to see even a corpse.
I’m still waiting.
And funnily enough. The TLPD was the first flying mount I ever got, before I got it i was a super casual who deleted characters soon as they hit max level. Then while casually flying around Storm peaks I saw this big yellow dragon and thought “ooo wonder what that drops.”
So killed it and looted it.
About 5 seconds later I’m surrounded by a whole screen of names all asking iof I had killed it.
I said “umm yeah”
“Show us the mount!”
Me. “Eh? What you on about…”
“OMG lol…”
“omg trade trade trade!!”
It was at this point I thought OK I better see whats so special. So Looked at the tooltip in my bag, saw it said requires flying, went to Dalaran, saw how much flying costs, farmed the gold and unlocked it.
After that. I started playing more seriously lol
Would it be easier for you if Blizzard just put everything you wanted in a big chest at the camp? Hell why even bother making you sweat going to the island, they could just mail the items straight to your bank soon as you come online.
Now tell me you have nothing to do when you log into WoW.
Also. You have NO excuse nowadays to be dizzied and knocked off your mount. haven’t you seen that little mount equipment box? Try using a leather barding…
Lol, awesome story… reminds me of the Brunnhildar white polar bear… I got that on the first day (same with the WHite hawkstrider in TotM HC BTW ), and thought it was just a regular quest reward, until all of my guildies started to hate me… and slowly hate me more… and eventually give up tyrying to get it
Apparently to this day only like 10% of all accounts have it or something like that…
I farmed that when my ex guildie got it and I inally got it in a reward stachel, I was very chuffed.
That same ex guildie is still to get Invincible.
I got Aeonax while camping Xariona.
Weird thing, in the 3 months when i did that. The day I first saw and killed Aeonax, I saw him spawning another 3 times same day.
I have never seen it. Same I’ve only ever seen the Slabhide mount drop once and the ex guildie who got it quit the game two weeks later…
Cataclysm drops have always been killers of my time.
That bloody blazing drake for a start.
Lol, reminds me of TItan and my story… He spent years trying to get Invincible, and I spent even longer trying to get Al’Ar (1487 kills on this account)… we got them literally on teh same day, he completely flipped out and went partymode in discord… and like 3 hours later when I was on the last alt that could run Eye I was already half asleep, expecting another bust, and barely even noticed that I looted it before already logging out… I literally had to do a double take and log back in to see that the hunt was finally over
And yeah, the Blazing is still the only one missing for the achieve to get the emerald for me, too…
What annoys me is Ive had 4 drops of Invincible and had to destroy 3 because I can’t even sell it for 5 gold.
And Ive yet to get the Ashes or Mimiron’s Head.
I never read something properly and it’s all Blizzards fault!
He spawns on a rock near the entrance to the central building.
It’s there that I always seen him.
Guess the best way is to hover there.
But then again, in the 3 month I spent there I only seen him on that day and then once later.
Hmm I think I’ll see if I can snag him, it isnt a particularly spectacular mount but it’s more for “finally” than anything else.