In all seriousness Redde, grab this, you’ll be able to stand mounted among a whole pack of angry whatever and you’ll never be dismounted.
Meh. But I dont much use this.
I use more “water walker” equipment all time. Since it’s my fave.
I hate ground mount in water more than dizzy unmount. If non-flying area.
That font is a war crime
Grab yourself an Aurelid from Zereth Mortis, or the wavewhisker, and have teh best of all 3 worlds… faster swimming /jumping over water (Due to the swim speed buff it´s ~50% faster than waterwalking), standard ground mount, and dragonriding, all in one package. Though I´m not sure it its compatible with Mount equipment now that I think about it…
Or do what I do and just turn into a fish underwater (underlight angler) and a dragon to fly (Tarecgosa or in your case the sandstone drake ), and use whatever mount RNG chooses on the ground
OR, if you can live with 60% land movement speed, you cannot be dazed or dismounted on the chauffeured chopper (heirloom motorcycle), it´s been a trick to do crazy pulls on land for as long as it´s been in the game
Then don’t complain when you get dazed and knocked off your mount.
strictly speaking I’m not from there. lived there for 25 years, but grew up away from it and no longer live there
and I thought a Dundonian’s life calling was rolls and mince
peh n beanz!
You aren’t meant to fly in the storm.
Did they give a Red Weather warning?
an innign aine anaw…
I had hoped flying would stay off. This is bad. I liked us being forced to the ground.
Well, nobody is forcing you to fly… Just because you can doesn´t automatically mean you have to
someone can tell me what is the goal to have flying mount on a ridiculous tiny island with no content ?
The content is gearing your character up for the next patch.
it doesnt answer to my question
what is the goal to put flying mount on a dead tiny island with no content. Or even if its for gearing alt then you already did the “content” weeks before.
Flying to go where to do what?
aww tha wis soooo close!!!
Twa pehs an’ ah ingin ane ana’h.
To overshoot the island of course.
Lift off surge forward make a 180 degree turn.
I hear you but the time you have flying you already should have enough iron on your main to gear up an army of alts especially if you farmed skeltons for the runes for the bird mount…
Even if not that spot is s rocket jump away
If you fly with your alts cool but without valorstones and crest the upgrade is a no no…
So… cool we can fly
Just have 0 reason to be there to begin with

tha wis soooo close!!!
When I was at Uni in Abertay I was given that second part of the expression as a puzzle to see if I could understand. I couldn’t.