I do my weekly quests every Wednesday and now I can fly around like I do anywhere else.
I remember many moons ago going to Edinburgh to watch Dundee play Hearts at Easter Road.
Two memories will never leave me. My uncle saying to a doorman in a pub in Leith Walk “Iz there ony pubs nearbeh?” and the doorman without even uncrossing his arms replying “dae ye ken whaur ye are pal?” as me and my dad were looking at my uncle then at each either then back to my uncle then back again and both saying “he’s staundin in front o’ ane eskin the booncer…”
And second is after the game in a chip shop and I asked “Cin a hae a white puddin supper wi a chip roll and some broon sass” and the guy behind the counter said “You’re fae Dundee aren ye cos ah didnae get a word o that…” so I had to say slowly “A white pudding supper and a chip roll please”
We lost 2-1.

cos ah didnae get a word o that…
I remember a time at T in the Park (must be 25 year ago) a girl behind me yapping so I said “Sorry, I dunnae speak Weegie” to which she replied Aaaam nooo a weeeegieee" in the strongest weegie accent (could have been on Rab C Nesbit).
Typical Weegie.
“Ah’m fae Glesga!”
“Aw naw a weegie…”
“Eh ye are…”
“Eh so ye wull, Efter ye tell me yir no a weegie beh bein a weegie…”
Everyone reading this. “What language is that!!”

“What language is that!!”
ken fit ye meen, min.
Im loving this cultural enrichment.
And its a good prep if I ever decide to visit those parts
Yes - and to get there you have to pull every mob on the way. And there are many of them if there’s nobody else around.
I knew flying wouldn’t work in the storm phase. I’m still disappointed.
this was well advertised before the patch.
To be honest, Siren Isle was such a terrible patch because of flying and now that it arrived, feels very late. And not being able to fly on the storm part is just silly. This patch is a huge miss. Nothing about it is really good or was well implemented.
Went to the isle today on an alt and flying was unlocked…looks like they patched it
I was there too with an alt and had to do the last part to be able to fly…
the only good part about the Island is Thrayir the Crowmount tbh. for the rest its a 0.5 Patch the Content it delivers was always Dull, tell me a 0.5 patch content what was enjoyable?
Flying in a thunderstorm doesn’t sound like the brightest idea and you are only there to grind out the weekly anyway, but hey what do I know.
I dinged a fresh 80 last night, went straight there and bought all my gear…mounted and took off…I was surprised too
I just went for the gear and ring…nothing else
When it’s stormy weather and you try to fly you should get extrene turbulance and get thrown into a mountain and take 4/5th of your health in damage.
Also, your mount should get mad at you and be unusable for 24 hours.
Make it happen.
If you’re a Drac’thyr you get mad at yourself. Obviously. I don’t know what this implies in terms of gameplay, but it should definitely happen.
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