Youre warmode is falling apart on this patch

When i first created my ne i did because i loved the race story,playgrounds and leadership.
Homeless now is nothing left in me but determination for vengeance and more wiping all horde from existence. Then Wow will stop product more expansion.

The worse part of it:

  • This game has a very lame, Horde faction bias. The faction isn’t treated in a video game sense but rather a fake extension of the players “coolness”. Like, people and Blizzard really believe they are special or “cool” because they play Horde. It’s sad and the game play, story and everything else suffer because of it.

  • Warmode is 100% failure.

  • Makes NO SENSE on a game that has FACTIONS.

  • Horde seem to be dependent on this imbalance because I swear, every Horde I encounter is terrible to the point I’ve killed TWO at a time, with mobs on me (I’m a tank.).

  • Blizzard is doing nothing about the imbalance, but when Alliance made raids and started wiping out the Horde, Blizzard QUICKLY changed it so you could only complete your PvP quest in a small party.

  • When Alliance players started activating Warmode for the rewards, Horde players quickly were on the other end of the sword. Then THEY started disabling it. Hence the raid nerf.


I hate Mechagon,just as i landed group of hordes attacked me already,they purging Rustbolt from all ally and everything,as one group is leaving another horde groups comes for ganking, so i don’t think i will return soon here,maybe only for dung. crap,stupid island,worst ever existed for pvp.

Well turns out it’s impossible for me to summon rares groups of Horde just spawn in on my lcoation and steal them. mechagon? Was killed yesterday logging in to the inn there! The gankers? Lol they just wiped out the guards… I reached the tiping point I’m turning WM off! Can’t get anything done! Can’t even get a single vaultbot for days now!

Hahaha,yeah i know it’s horror maybe they should post it as movie.

The exact opposite is happening on the RP shards - Alliamce are outnumbering the Horde, tagging every rare and slaughtering any Horde they find if they fancy it (which they often do).

Acknowledge that it is not War Mode or the Horde’s fault that the Alliance is having difficulty. There is nothing stopping the Alliance playing War Mode except the Alliance itself.

Change the mindset of the players, not the game mode itself


It’s amazing Im actually able to kill rares instead of being slaughtered the second I engage (or summon) one by a Horde raid (over 5 people) spawning in!

How about - getting a group and fighting the Horde back ? We would actually like it.

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We make 1 group you guys make mutples in response. this isn’t solved by merely grouping up anymore. Yes we made a raid of 40 people, but there were mutple raids of Horde at the same time! So still no rares for you!

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Make 2 raids.

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That is generalising (about Horde coming back with more raids)…
I faced Alliance doing exactly the same. It’s a human nature to look for advantage…

Any way - few time sin Nazjatar, we had battles with Alliance Raids, pushing back and forth between the two bases - it was actually really fun.


Yeah,that was really fun,i was in for the kind of battles between bases ,fighting back in Mechagon,you know i gave up,it’s not worth at all for me,this week it’s 25 horde kills at mecha,but i will miss it,i prefer to skip something that it’s trash,Mechagon it’s junk even for pvp ,only the dung seems good for me .

You know what…i was in mechagon today and went for rustbolt spawn area and guess what did i see…a full alliance raid…then i went to harvester spawn location and guess what…another full alliance raid…

What did i do…did not switch off wm…instead i wanted to create a raid for these 2 rares but luckily i found a premade group and joined them.
And we created a black hole for any alliance that passes near the raid while waiting for rares to respawn…

So i suggest you look for rare hunting groups if u have ur wm on…

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But why you keep forgeting how it was for us, the horde players, during your AOO’s quests?
What you want? You want 100% bonus reward? You want 100% dmg/def/heal buffs? You want myhtic raiding gear+socket as reward for a “Call to Arms”? What you want? Because i dont get it…every day a retarded alliance idiot starts threads and cries that they cant do nothing. If you cant do nothing, turn it OFF. And end of story.


Not me buddy. I am on an RP realm, free 30% warmode bonus baby!

Let me laugh at you:ahahhah,lol what?can do nothing because of retards players like you,and it’s not end of story it will never end for people like you.
Sorry,i have not been for 2 weeks in Mechagon,not even till i unlock flying garbage robot island only hordes like it.Have fun making a full horde raid for 1 ally player.

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I can assure you that Alliance faction is pretty much alive, kicking and very active in WarMode on Steamwheedle Cartel :slight_smile: Sometimes it’s even too many of them all over the place (Mechagon/Nazjatar).

How does wm sharding work on rp realms?

  1. Are all rp realms sharded together in wm?
  2. Or does each rp realm have its own set of shards in wm?
  3. Or is sharding only used when needed for server stability in wm?

Normal realms are all sharded together in wm I believe, just not sure how rp sharding is set up in wm. Google info is a year old on this.

I think this blue post from nov is a good summary of how sharding works in general.

Yes, I believe so.

nope, can see all other English rp realms.

Couldn’t possibly answer this, this is a question for Blizzard.

Thanks, it seems like rp wm shards work the same as normals, except a smaller pool of players.

Ye, your realm’s faction balance is not relevant to wm.