You know WoW nicked the word Paladin, right, who nicked it from Dungeons and Dragons, who nicked it from a very specific group of holy warriors.
None of y’all are Paladins. Technically.
So what is a Paladin? Its a warrior of supposedly granted spiritual powers due to faith, as opposed to being the biggest nastiest person with a cleaver, like a Warrior.
Humans have ‘Paladins’, or rather, Knights of the Silver Hand. (Technically naughty, Nuadha of the Silver Hand was a Celtic deity, so no Paladin points for you!)
Dwarves, likewise, still not the same as Paladins, so no Paladin points for you!)
Draenei are not Paladins. They are -Vindicators- and they are glorious. Still, not exactly what a Paladin is.
Blood Elves -were- Knights of the Silver Hand, They can actually get away with that, Nuada of the Silver Hand was Elven fae in legend, but then became Blood Knights, so not really Paladins either, they’re their own thing, though in practice the state religion was always The Light, so…ehh, they get as much or as little a pass as Humans and Dwarves.
Tauren Sunwalkers are Warriors with faith based powers from An’she. Given the culture they’re based on, Holy Warriors with Sun rites? Yeah, that is actually legit.
Zandalari Prelates are Holy Warriors who take power from their own Faith. Given their culture they are based upon and the plethora of Loa they make sense. I’d call them a Prelate, rather than Paladin, but they make sense. Actually I’d call them a Jaguar Warrior, Eagle Warrior (As we see the Prelates on Thunder Isle called) or a Kukulkan.
Either way, Holy Warrior.
NPC’s call every race of that class ‘Paladin’. Same way as they don’t call my Night elf Huntress “Sentinel” and my Blood Elf Hunter “Farstrider”
Its a class name for goodness sake, The Concept of Holy Warriors is not, and has -never- been the sole province of knights in plate mail, in fact some peoples were doing it a long time before they even figured out how to make their shiny armour.
Just call them what they are, in accordance by their role in that society.
Its not difficult, but to imagine that Holy Warriors are the sole preserve of humans and demi-humans in platemail is just the weirdest thing ever…