Zandalari Paladins are disrespectful

Careful there champ, your bias is showing.

Apart from the fact that in fact only -some- Blood Knights are devout, some are still very much “Its a source of power to be used”. Personally I find the view of some of the Blood Knights, that an item of absolute religious dogma and faith to the Alliance, is nothing more than a cheap road to power and something to be used and abused as they see fit to be an even more interesting approach towards religious power than Sun Worship or Voodoo. Neither of which are exactly new or unique concepts. The idea of fuelling martial power off the essence of ‘angels’ and even after you don’t need to, not being that sorry about it, is actually pretty unique.

This said, as I say, all you need to have something that could be classed as a Paladin, regardless of what you call it is an Article(s) of Faith, and a Militant order who will follow that Faith. Holy Warrior. Its that simple.

Oh this -was- a comedy thread! I wasn’t sure until now!

Well played, some of us seriously engaged with it!

Ok, and? We’re all having our preferences.

Belves have light worship, like the rest of the Alliance. Sunwalkers and Zandalari have their own religion that has no ties to Alliance what so ever.

If you don’t want to parrot Alliance you don’t pick belf. And belves were already heavily influnced by both humans and draenei (TBC, WoD and Legion). What made them stand out was already buried in the same expansion they were introduced in.

That’s how things are. And yes I am biased because I see no appeal in it.

Also Prelates aren’t doing Voodoo, this is Loa Worship. And Sun worship isn’t maybe anything game changing but at least you are allowed to play one. In belf case you were not paladin either, it was not power invoked out of belief/ religion but theft of power source. Before Sunwell patch they were the walking definition of fake paladin imo. Because if Light can be stolen, nothing stops us from making goblin paladins.

He is not wrong tho.

Blood Knights as some unique Paladin branch has been consistently watered down throughout the expansions that followed their introduction.
At first, you could clearly differentiate them from the conventional human paladin, because they wielded the Light in a particular (and often shady) way.

But now? Yeah, the Sunwell raid marked the beginning of a journey that turned Liadrin and everyone that followed her, into a copy of what the rest of Alliance paladins are. She is basically Uther with breasts.


Imagine alliance having opinions haha.

Chad Haiete.

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Yeah but…that is what Voodoo is! That’s why I was always confused when Darkspear NPC’s say “Stay away from the Voodoo” “But, but we worship Loa, That is one of the major tenets of the Voodoo faith!”

(Unless maybe it is stock NPC speech to any Non-Trolls, as in ‘Stay away from the Voodoo, you do not understand it’)

Honestly, Loa Worship is Voodoo. Where do you think Bwonsamdi, Loa of the Dead comes from? That would be Baron Samdi, Loa of the Dead in the Voodoo religion in our world. I mean that’s exactly what the word Loa means, I’m not being picky, seriously, google a reputable source, and it states that Loa are the Gods/Powerful spirits of the Voodoo, or Voodou religion.

The major difference between Loa in our world and Loa in WoW, is that in our world most of the Loa are humanoid, whereas in WoW most of the Loa are more like Wild gods, but some are still humanoid, Such as ole Bwon himself.

But yeah, Loa Worship =Voodoo.

Nothing wrong with that, I love that aspect of the Trolls, I think it is really well thought out, and the relationship between Loa and worshipper is portrayed -exactly- like it is in the Voodoo faith in our world, Bargains, promises, and the Voodoo worshipper becoming a ‘Horse’ for the Voodoo Loa (Being possessed and granted the powers of that Loa for a time) Something which is believed to happen in Real World Voodoo, and -does- happen in WoW Voodoo.

I’m not knocking it, I love it. Its one of the many things I love about Trolls,

Yep, quite right, they were -Blood Knights-, something very different from a Paladin, for the reasons you accurately give. Again, I found that interesting, what one side thought was Holy Piety, another just went “Nah, hook me up some jump leads to the living Battery we stole…”

Theoretically there isn’t. We know Goblin Priests exist, though their piety is even more complex, but it is still linked to the Light, I mean -theoretically- it is possible, though to be fair, I think the cosmos is running out of Naaru to use as test subjects for that theory! :smiley:

Ehh, We know Liadrin goes on the religion jag, but that is to be expected, she -was- a Priestess, (You see her as this class in the BE Heritage armour quests )for her, this was a Crisis of Faith, which has now been renewed. By no means were all the Blood Knights ex priests, some were Royal Guards, or soldiery, in fact having just checked, -Most- of them were not religious at all, but were Royal Guards or Silvermoon Defence soldiers, aided by the Magisters. In fact the only power bloc that turned away from the idea were the Farstriders, but given that Nature magic is more their thing (They seem to be the last vestige of Druidic magics within the Sin’dorei) this makes sense.

So most of them were never True Believers in the Light, so not all Blood Knights are suddenly singing Kumbiyah around a campfire, we know the Light doesn’t distinguish between Good and Evil acts (Scarlets, Arthas till he died, Sir Zeliek etc etc), so all a Blood Knight without faith needs to do is learn to channel from the Light in the Sunwell, as opposed to from M’uru directly. No faith required.

I’m not checking, but I bet someone has Rule 34’d it…heh heh


Not really, in wow Voodoo is form of magic. It’s classified as a a merge of shadow and nature school.

Heck even Rokhan sais “Let’s see who’s Voodoo be stronger!” he obviously didn’tmean religion.

You’re confusing game lore with rl inspiration.

Nah nah, even in our world Voodoo means both the Faith -and- the magic. (I mean obviously it is tricky applying the term magic in our scientific world, but lets go by the Faith’s version of it)

Voodoo is both the word for Religion and the Magic, basically. So yeah, it makes sense them saying that.

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Isn’t the troll word for all magic “Mojo” ?

Or Mojo is just the arcane part so it does not include the Voodoo?

Gosh Troll words are so easy to mix and I can never remember them correctly (not just the troll but also dwarven way of talking is annoying for me :stuck_out_tongue: )

Given WoW is a character-driven game, what the Blood Knight leader does often signals and highlights the traits of those that operate bellow her.

Having Liadrin acting this way, and giving the sort of speeches that would make Uther proud, signals different vibes from those that were initially portrayed for BE Paladins.

Class Halls didn’t work either, but i do feel that throughout the years, Blood Knights have been losing the initial edge they had.
This might have turned into one of this infamous buzzwords that signal something negative, but i do miss the times when it seemed Blood Knights were more “edgy” and less “righteous”.


Mojo has few meanings,

You can say someone has strong mojo in a meaning that he has good attitude/ is feisty / has balls of steel.

It can be also magical object.

Juju is more a term for magic but in general meaning of this word. Juju can be also a trinket of some sort.

It can be confusing but at the same time it canbe very fun. I personally love the sound of them as it has some endearing ring to it.


in the end the troll paladins don’t matter they will be raid fodder in the next troll raid :wink: we will most likely killed Talanji too


No mon…next expac Trolls raid you.


that seems highly unlike you should know by now that the troll’s only purpose for existing is to be raided for epic loot

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This is too true, even in the lore, it hits home:

The elves soon grew to hate the forest trolls and they fought each other whenever they met. When the high elves went to war with the Amani trolls, the elves could not understand how the trolls’ weapon enchantments were more powerful than their own. The elves then stole ancient knowledge from troll spellcasters, including the famous Zanza, and used stolen idols to craft their own versions of the troll enchantments.

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It just reinforces what I was saying for some time, that this particular breed of elves shouldn’t call themselves blood elves or high elves, but thief elves. Then it would be most accurate. :upside_down_face:

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Well if the High Elves had not stolen it from the trolls nowadays
nobody would have enchanting as a profession (which is the reason the Blood Elves also get a racial boost for enchanting) so it’s all good I think… and as far as I know today the trolls usually use the ELVEN version of enchanting anyway, not their old version of Zanza :stuck_out_tongue:

Sure, As highely unlikely as playable Alliance High Elves, mon.

But instead a epic loots, maybe you should be tryin an get some style, mon.

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if the trolls was not such a inferior race they would have been able to secure their stuff better … the weak shall perish and the strong will survive …

like the famous 90% of the belves?