Zandalari topic. When will the Alliance pay for their crimes?

It’s been almost 35 years. Check the calendar again. Zandalar and our Queen don’t approve your resistance.

Have you been smoking that darnassian weed?

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Tyrande? Ahh, Zandalar is that big tree I heard about! Never visited it.

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Looks like this human still didn’t learn how to read and didn’t buy glasses.

Forum avatar sais : Zandalari
forum avatar also shows: tusks and enlonged face.

C’mon Zandalaris look nothing like nelfies, they don’t have saggy ears or silly posture or combat animations. : P

You’re this drunk that you can’t tell difference between troll and nelf?

Put down the beer midget.


That’s not how politics work man. Politics were never about siding with good guys or evil guys, politics were always about common benefits and familiar goals.


And of survival.
Think about it like this:
Sylvanas is losing the support of the horde(slowly but it is happening) the alliance is “winning” the war.
Staying with sylvanas would be like putting a sign on zandalar saying please destroy me.
It isnt a mather of right or wrong.
It is a mather of joining the winners or getting crush by them.
That is how politics work.

What would you do if you ruled zandalar.
Your “ally” is hated by the leaders on both side’s of this conflict.
You heard rumors about how she experiment of intelegent people, how she burned a tree full of families and how she intent to raise a human city into more undead.
Where the enemy is working togather to bring her down and they regularly win against her despite her have the “support” of the people.
Knowing when to shallow your pride and accept defeat is a hard skill to master.

I feel offended, how can you mistake a Kaldorei for a wretched Troll? The Goddess must be testing our resolve with these Human allies.

Can you feel the Alliance bias yet?

Its when you consider speculation to be a fact yes… I want Sylvannas to lose support and Alliance to win… yeah keep repeating with me… its so obvious Alliance is winning… roll another blunt yeah… :joy::joy:

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You’re assuming everyone has meta knowledge about everything that is going on in the world.

  • " You heard rumors about how she experiment of intelegent people" how would I know that if I’m living on isolated island and I only have some feint knowledge about Sylvanas?

  • "how she burned a tree full of families "- You have no guarantee that it didn’t happen shortly before prison break. We don’t know how long Talanji was in prison. And really night elves are last concern when it comes to Zandalari. What Talanji needed is help for her own people. Someone who is not afraid to take an action. Since Alliance captured her, held her imprisoned, and later tried to kill her, that option went out of the window.

  • " how she intent to raise a human city into more undead" - I can’t read minds. Not even once Sylvanas told everyone about her plans, that was why Horde leaders started to act more concerned.

That is the ery basic mistake of lore commentators here - they forgot NPCs don’t read RL novels, and quested WoW since vanilla.


Yeah I felt offended too, how could anyone confuse glorious Zandalari with wretched hippie elf :stuck_out_tongue:


I assume that as the war drag’s on talanji learns more about the war she is current in.

Because you are in the horde now.
There will be more then a few horde soldiers with loose lips.
Some wont even have to be drunk.
Rumors happen all the time.
And after she learned of tedrassil she would be wise to have her people check up on these rumors.

She lost her father in an alliance raid.
Her father was a warrior king dying in defends of her home.
She care’s a great deal for her people.
This strike’s me as someone who upon hearing what there ally has done to entire families of none combations would serious reconsider her alliance.
I am not saying she would befriend the alliance.
Merely that if there is a oppertunity to keep the horde as allies without sylvanas she probley would take it.

I will give you this point.

Well Then nightborne are far longer in Horde and they all act pretty clueless on plenty of matters. You’re also forgetting that not every soldiers is also familiar with it, and assume the forsaken loyalist would talk openly about it.

Well She did reconsider things. She was present during Vol’Jin related quests and is aware over dark entity behind the Sylvanas, and Bwonsamdi also shown that he wants sylvs head.

Talanji didn’t pledge loyalty to Horde, she said that they will be allied, so that means Sylvanas will not have any authority over her people. However Horde is not just Sylvanas, in Horde are people like Rokhan and his Darkspears who went into the “Maw of Madness” with her, and helped her deal with Old God Threat.

I think her politics so far were reasonable. But we don’t know what future patch will bing.


Good point.

We agree that she seem to be more of a leader then most horde or alliance leaders these days.

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Everything the alliance did after the horrible event of the burning of teldrassil and wiping out most night elves was justified. In fact, they’re far from even with the horde yet.

1 King vs. Tens of Thousands of Night elf civilians

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Hundreds of millions actually.


no it is billions. If you hyperbole do it the right way.




Good. Quick learner. :slight_smile:


If you informed yourself you’d know that I wasn’t exaggerating with my number. The ingame given number of 982 doesn’t reflect the actual lore

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I am dying to see your sourcing for this, well-informed one. Show me the source proving the numbers you toss around.

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