Zekvir Delve Tuning is Now Live - 27 September

With hotfixes that have just gone live on all realms, we’ve adjusted the difficulty of the Zekvir Delve.


  • Zekvir’s Lair
    • Zekvir’s damage and health has been reduced for both difficulties.
    • Horrendous Roar is now a 2.5 second cast time for both difficulties (was 2.4 seconds and 2.25 seconds).
    • Web Terror’s hatch time increased.
    • Web Terror’s Web Blast cast time increased.
    • Web Terrors now spawn randomly in the room rather than based off of Zek’vir’s current position.
    • Spittle and Regenerating Carapace’s recast times now change while solo to better match each specialization’s interrupt cooldowns.
    • Fixed an issue where Web Terrors would not despawn when the encounter ended.

We’ll include these changes in our next hotfixes update.


You could have waited a while before doing nerfs, we had the whole season to gear up and prepare to beat this. I hadn’t even tried it, was waiting until I had better gear, now I feel robbed.


Unless you have high burst damage, you probably wasn’t going to do it. This is a good thing for everyone.

Edit: reading the changes it doesnt seem that big of a nerf. Will have to check it out when it goes live.


Doesnt matter , people that rushed it first week got it pretty much for free then they fixed it, doesnt realy mean much rn anyway …


Plenty people already beat it, including an Arms Warrior at just below 610 ilvl. Gear goes up to 639 this season, which is an absolute complete different universe of dps output compared to 610.

So you haven’t tried it but think you can comment on its balance?


Why? It’s the ultimate challenge for delves and it only gives bragging rights anyway, and we’re all going to get more gear so it gets easier anyway.

It was tuned to perfection. I really enjoyed it.

There is no reason at all to nerf this.

Why do you always nerf all the combat encounters? Enemies should have some bite, especially those advertised as hard.

Stop throwing around nerfs like Christmas candy.


Still issues with the claw smash - it begins casting then targets, which can make a very tight moment to work out if it’s going after Brann or you, which determines where it stops. And the graphic may or may not display correctly.

Still, at a solid level for me now - somethin I had to focus on, death if didn’t follow mechanics, and realistically clearable.

As much as i appreciate the Nerfs, removing all the difficulty from ?? Zekvir was a bit over the Top.

Previously, the whole Challenge of the fight was the needed ~1M DPS to break an Egg, which was hard (given current 610+ Gear) but doable.
During my 170+ pulls i had multiple 30% Wipes as 611 (no 4 Set) Windwalker because Eggs break through with <5% Health remaining, meaning 10 more Itemlevel would have make Eggs break all the time.
I don’t even want to Imagine what a 635+ Char would have done to them.

After tonights hotfixes i went in and on my 2nd attempt i stomped the boss into the ground while not even using CDs on Eggs anymore but rather cleaved them during CDs.
The Kill didn’t even felt good nor deserved at this point.

Eggs now have 6M HP on a 20 sec Cast Timer, making it an “do 300k DPS and it dies” Mechanic.

I really don’t get the intention why the ultimate Delve Challenge have to be doable with 590 Gear now.
Nerfing ?-Zekvir, sure, why not, so everyone can complete the Quest for the Toy, but making the pinnacle Delve Boss freeloot is a big “Nope” for me.

The Boss is complete joke now.
They nerfed the DPS requirements from 1M Burstwindows to 300k Sustained DPS, something a medicore played 590 DPS could do.


Overturned trash content with a joke of a reward= hard pass


I feel like they could’ve left the eggs as-is (appeared to be tuned around item level 616) and not touched his hit points at all for ??, with endgame Delve gear you’d have enough firepower to deal with them reliably.

What needed addressing in my opinion was the inconsistent ability queuing (early egg spawns) and some classes being unable to reliably interrupt his heal. I think they’ve resolved both of these, and I really like that you get a decent visual cue for where the egg is going to spawn now.

I went from progressing the encounter bit by bit, with my attempts at sub-40% being foiled by early egg spawns (barely had enough damage with CD’s up), to clearing it in two pulls. I feel like I was robbed of the satisfaction of beating it.

I didn’t even need to re-roll the Amorphous Relic for the Massive buff.

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This fight is still horribly designed. I have multiple deaths where he has targeted me claw smash, and finished the animation where the cast has only just started. I have multiple deaths from the adds casting while inside the eggs. I have multiple instance of Brann refusing to target the egg / add at all and also refusing to interrupt the spittle. This entire fight needs to go back to QC and the person who initially designed it should be relegated to Korthia for the remainder of their stay at Blizzard. How this ever went out at this level of finish is astonishing

probably they did the nerf to avoid such… numbers.

anyway i dont see a so big nerf. ill try this evening (? ofc, im still too low)

as a rogue its still impossible to kill, the debuff melts me hard, can use cloak for the first one but the second one kills, 14 seconds dot and each second deals massive damage, how is this a hotfix?! we can only interupt once per 15 seconds, we dont have a second interupt.

yeah im sure that amazing 0.25 sec will make significant difference :smiley:

god i love people who design something beased solely on excel spreadsheet :smiley:

after all its whooping 10 % nerf :smiley:

i guess AI bots testing it can react in that timeframe :smiley:

I was heavily undergeared with no 4 Set on my Offspec i never really played before.

Sure, nerfing the needed DMG for the main mechanic by almost 66% and allowing me to go from smashing my undergeared head against the Wall to two shot while still being super undergeared is not a big nerf.

? was never too bad and i don’t really care about the “Story” Zekvir for the Quest/Toy, i’m fine for all Nerfs about him.
I’m talking about the Pinnacle Challenge Variant specifically.

For a Melee it absolutely does on the Fear.
The difference is enough to make it out of the circle without Movement-Speed at all (meaning you have 100% MS).

Ehm, no. It’s much, much, much more then a 10% Nerf.
It’s a whole new encounter after the Nerfs.
No more CD/Ressource Pooling nor CD Cycling.
Just slam everything you got into the big, fat Bug and switch on Eggs when they Spawn.

How are people dealing with the poison?

If brann does not dispell me as a warrior I have to use healing potion (5 min cd) and then if I get poisoned again and he does not dispell I am dead…that is what is preventing me from finishing this. Feels a bit to rng.

talents / spells that remove slows works on it.

Sadly as warrior i dont have a spell for that, just Berserker rage if I accidently get feared.

Even before the nerf its been the only thing stopping me from doing this.

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The ability angler’s web is randomly hitting me for 27 million as Blood. There is no way to predict when and if it will do this. The tooltips stats 1.1 million which is completely doable.