Zekvir Delve Tuning is Now Live - 27 September

Just managed to do the ??, the eggs cast time is a big improvment IMO, its still a challenging fight despite what the M+/Mythic raider would have you believe.

Like guys, its delve content, you should be able to do it with delve gear not farm 620+

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Zekvir on ? difficulty was a challenge but definitely doable for me as a BM Hunter.
I’ve been trying ?? difficulty for the past week or so and while the nerf to egg and boss health are nice, those wouldn’t be too much of a problem on their own. The main problem for me is the boss either consistently one-shotting my pet or hitting me for around 2M with each melee (when it doesn’t crit, where he hits me for 4M which is usually a oneshot if I’m not at full health). How am I supposed to survive that? I spend more time in the fight just managing my health or ressing my pet than actually damaging boss or the eggs.

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Slayer has a talent where if you charge it removes slow effects so it works on the poison.

Just did it on fury warrior, can also spell reflect the fear on P2 for big damage.

Are we talking about when Zekvir just randomly appears in the delve? As he was simple to deal with as a tank.

Ah I see the lair, going there right now!!!

Died to a spider as I didn’t expect them to be that strong, but on the 2nd pull was defeated, achievements earned and wondering what it was like before the nerf!

are you talkin ofc about ??, ?

Why are you nerfing this?
i don’t want to hear someone saying
i killed it PRE NERF
that’s idiotic from you blizzard

I agree that works and i am using it and it does remove the slow but if Brann does not dispell you need to use healing pot, def cds…guess there is an element of rng to it

Noone says that and if they did, noone would care.

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I bet they didn’t even play “Zekvir’s Challange”. It’s still no doable…

I’m playing elemental shaman. I have almost 4 sec interrupt cd (With cd reductions…)
Zekvir is casting “Heal” and then “Dot” abilities in queue. Nobody can interrupt both of them in 3 seconds.

It’s still broken. I don’t have dispell magic, watching people and they’re just interrupting healing ability and dispelling himself.


Note 2 : Animations are broken. They’re appear when cast bar in middle.

There are numerous bugs which can randomly occur in the ?? version. Once phase 2 starts, the fear is not confined to the area of effect indicator and will kill you regardless of your proximity. The spikes randomly do no damage even though you are clearly running through them or standing still. He will chain casts from fear, heal, spittle to fear, to spittle in a span of 1 minute without a single frontal being cast.

You should take a close look to the P2 Fear. :wink:
P2 Fear is the Circle combined with 4 projectiles, one in each direction.

That’s the normal P2 behavior.
P2 have a whole different Set of Timers and Abilities with different timings and BigWigs can show that (with some offset duo to the recent changes not baked into LittleWigs yet).

Also, the P2 Portals can act as a redirect of his Net-Suck-Frontal if he hits one of them, making is super important to keep an eye where they are when he casts it.

I’m not talking about the extra projectiles, I’m talking about being so far out of range and still dying immediately as the cast goes off. It has happened to me at least 3-4 times sub 20%. It seems to be complete RNG if the fight desyncs the abilities to the visuals.

Relentless persuit in the slayer tree makes charge dispell the dot and bladestorm immunes it and dispells it.

Can you get delvers bounty from the chest in zekvirs delve?

Another attempt another bug. I died to spittle after having clearly been dispelled by Brann. I had no debuff, but continued to drop down in HP and the death recap clearly showed I still had the debuff.

Yeah this was exactly the nudge I needed for Tier ??, though Brann kept dying and then become conscious again every 20 seconds when he randomly stood in a web or fear.

Still fairly easy to do as Demo.

trusting on bran in this fight is bad design…i did it and hoping that he kicks/doesnt stand in melee as HUNTER/doesnt die and attacks the egg with you is horrible

i did it as bdk, so i dont need his kick everytime on the magic debuff spell, but why doesnt he kick if avaible? it should be the most important thing to do

The AI system is garbage. He isn’t dispelling me neither himself aaaaann cant keep himself alive…

Great design from game designers(?)

Why not just leave some incredible solo challenge in the game that people try to grow with over time? It’s not like it will prevent people from gearing, this is just done for the achievement as far as I’m aware. Also, I feel like this challenge was the reason for solo players to gear up, but what is their reason now? What are they gearing for, if you tune it to be doable by lower ilvl

Slayer charge removes slows. Bladestorm pre immunes them. Avatar removes them.