Zekvir Delve Tuning is Now Live - 27 September

Anything that removes slows removes the DoT, ghost wolf included. Ele shamans have killed it last week pre nerf.

I don’t need to have tried it, I’ve watched people do it with low ilvl. Hard solo challenges in WoW are my favourite thing in the game, the Mage Tower when it came out back in Legion was like somebody designed something just for me.

This was one of those things, I just didn’t figure I was quite geared enough last week and was gonna start working on it before next reset. The tuning was clearly fine, it’s early in the season and the best players have beat it with less gear already.

Edit : I tried it earlier, kill secured, ilvl610 no set bonuses.

I kind of feel the same, please add NPC at beginning to talk to, so i can try the not hotfixed version.

I think Brann is bugged, on my Monk he never healed in a normal delv lol… Kinda notice it on squishy characters.

We don’t have magic dispell mate. You’re playing different game.

  • Brann not dispelling me.
  • Healing potions not working.
  • Brann is running inside to fear area
  • etc…

This is not challange, it’s pure rng - wheel of fortune.

Removes snares.

Spittle is a snare.

Still bugged, The frontal will sometimes just insta cast.

There is no counter play to this you just die when the game decides you do.

im proud to say even with the nerf im totally unable to beat him in simple mode. with 3 diff char.

Ok so I tried it this evening. Took me 40 pulls to kill, the first bunch were without consumes so I could learn the fight and then I went back to buy consumes and have a proper go. A massive part of it is just RNG with the boss abilities, but phase 2 is actually easier than phase 1 because he spends more time channeling.

As for spell reflect, it doesn’t work. It does immune the fear bit if you stand in the purple orbs that shoot out, they do reflect back on the boss and damage him but you still take damage and get 1 shot, so no spell reflect cheesing P2.

Ilvl610 no set bonuses.

Numberwise the fight is now fine and beatable after the nerfs.
However the animations are still buggy as f.
Most of the time his claw smash and anglers net will be halfway through the cast already when the visible ground effect shows up.
In addition to that he can turn while casting making it hard to gauge if he’s going for Brann or you.
Just make the animation decoupled from the ground effect, let the ground effect display with the start of the cast without any wind up or fade in time.
Also Brann AI is literally useless in this fight getting feared all the time and sometimes tanking and drawing him towards the entrance (with the possibility of the egg spawning on the stairs).
It’s definitely doable right now, but all the bugs make the fight incredibly frustrating.

After some limit testing priest at least can do this fight on “??” now at 590~ ilvl.

Do you think its possible to do for healers now?

At 620 it’s possible, probably not before that.

Yeah i wasnt gonna try just yet anyways, getting slapped hard enough in tier 9 delves :sweat_smile: but good to know its doable at least!

I made this thread about Zekvir a couple of days ago talking about my perceived issues with the fight.

After yesterday’s hotfix I have now spent about 4 hours trying the fight. My best attempt was ~5% into his second phase.

I am still struggling a lot with his casts overlapping. Often times he will send an egg to one side of the room randomly, then sit there and cast Spittle and frontals covering the egg completely.
If I interrupt his self-heal at 90% I only barely have my next interrupt up in time for his next cast - even with improved talents lowering the cooldown to 12 seconds. Once one of the self-heal casts go off it’s effectively over.

Furthermore the main issue is still being able to burst down the eggs. I can maybe get lucky and get 'em killed in time with milliseconds to spare, but if I am on one side of the room having to run to the spawn or it gets covered by a frontal, then there is no way to do enough damage to kill it in time.

Another issue is the lack of control over what Brann is doing. His dispells are completely random and he ignores the egg most of the time. If he’s engaged in combat then he’s more likely to eat a fear or a frontal for no good reason.

I’m honestly not sure what the hotfix was supposed to fix, because the fight feels identical except for Zekvir himself having about 5% less HP than before.

EDIT: As for Spittle being removed by snares, this is not the case (at least not for me as a Blood DK). I specced into Wraith Walk (Embrace the power of the Shadowlands, removing all root effects and increasing your movement speed by 70% for 4 sec. Taking any action cancels the effect.) which gives me the movement increase, but does not remove the debuff.

So far I’ve only found two ways to get rid of it as a Blood DK, which is AMS with Unyielding Will specced (Anti-Magic Shell’s cooldown is increased by 20 sec and it now also removes all harmful magic effects when activated.) or getting lucky with Brann dispells.
The best way for me has been to preemptively cast AMS to avoid having it land in the first place, but the cooldown of one minute often means that it will definitely land the next cast and I can’t spare the interrupt to stop it.
That leaves just sitting in Anti-Magic Zone having it absorb 14.4 million damage over 8 sec, but with how much you’re forced to move it’s not really a viable option to stay in the bubble.

I really don’t know what they expect us to do in this fight with all the RNG.

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People who killed it with 580 chars had brann do 95% of their damage lol.

I’m not talking about people who did it originally, but people who did it after the brann nerf when the eggs had 13mil health and the boss was harder, prior to these nerfs. By low ilvl I’m talking 610, not 580. Remember that this season caps at 639 so 610 is low ilvl.

I beat it already at 610 anyway. I streamed the kill and out of all the pulls my actual kill was the messiest one, but RNG in phase 2 with boss abilities and egg spawns allowed me a fairly straightforward kill. Infact bad RNG seems to be the main factor now between a kill or a wipe.

This fight is terrible and just more proof that the people making wow never actually play it.

Should be hard but auto attacking you for a third of your HP bar is dumb. Should be mechanically challenging, not just hitting like a truck.

Problem is you can’t do Dark Souls in WoW… its a good fight atleast the ? I did before the nerf. I’m guessing ?? is the same but more hp and damage… you know the “difficulty” lol.

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