You don’t have to treat SoD raiding (atleast this far) like mythic retail raiding, with a lesser job interview to get an invite to Gnomeregan.
Ziqo took a bunch of randoms from trade chat and went in there. He didn’t ask them for gearscore, experience or logs. The first time, they completed 5/6, and the second time 6/6. This just proves that the gatekeeping being done in this game just isn’t necessary for this type of content. And that you don’t need a metacomp of the strongest fotm classes with 90+ logs to clear Gnomeregan.
And if you do, perhaps you are not as good of a player as you think you are.
yeah worldbuffs etc is a overkill, u can parse epic logs even without it, but i think the leaders just want a “rush grp” and as much dmg as possible
to avoid some mechanics on bosses, some people just want to rush the content, it´s like “i want the loot” i dont care about anything else, and i also dont want to waste hours here"
If I’m honest I’m quite disappointed that a lot of players in SoD have this mentality. I wonder if it would be less if the content would be harder.
Because everybody is asking for logs or gear score I haven’t even tried to join a pug and am yet to do Gnomeregan. I don’t log, don’t know my gear score or even have a DPS meter. That’s my choice, I don’t care about them.
Best bet is joining a relaxed guild that doesn’t ask for crazy requirements.
I can’t relate to this at all tbh. There’s almost nothing in Gnomeregan that requires you to do anything out of the ordinary. My clear this reset took around 38 minutes, and my group isn’t tryharding in any way, shape or form.
Put it this way though, if you have the option to spend 10 minutes more searching for more optimal classes, it will be alot less stressful and have a higher chance of going 6/6 in a faster time than if you took 4 ret paladins and a frost mage. Can it be cleared by 4 ret paladins and a frost mage? Definitely. Will it be as easy? Definitely not.
That’s the line, people don’t want to feel like other people are holding them back, so they’d prefer to just get the best of the best classes to steamroll the content and get their purpies and blues
How many wipes and how much hours spent ? + he’s a streamer, he have streamer privilege where almost no one gonna leave his raid if they wipe.
I can guarantee if you go Gnomeregan with 9 others randoms people, not paying attention to buffs and debuffs, without Discord + without world buffs + without consumable, you’ll spent hours and disband on the last 2 boss. It’s simply statistics. But yes, doing the MECHANIC properly doesn’t require this, but we all know how it goes when it’s about MECHANIC and Classic player (they can’t even position themselves properly to soak a chain light on the 4th boss when it’s needed). Theses requirements are made to bypass or bruteforce theses mechanics, so you can focus on others things like clicking a button as healer without tank dying in 2 GCD, do meningerie without the whole melee groups dying to overheat, and provide better parselogs for everyone so they can have easier time to find a group next time. It’s also way more enjoyable to play optimized, talk to any Warrior that play without windfury and humuncilis they’ll explain this to you it’s not fun at all.
On his first video, he can’t clear the last boss phase 1 because everyone is doing between 100 and 150 DPS lmao (what people did in full green at level 20).
Sorry if the reality is harsh guys, but it is what is is. Yeah, people will hate me for saying this but GDKP allow to balance the raid better with carry and carried and no one care if you wipe 10 times or if you don’t have world buff, as long as we clear. Without the GDKP incentive, it’s very hard to get a balanced raid and anyone can leave at any time …
I dont believe that. I went completely blind for the first raid and we popped electrocutioner with no idea what was going on, people flying around everywhere, getting pulled. We just blew him up.