So I tried questing this morning. Which still is 99% just standing and waiting for spawns.
Most players in Felwood were generic orc hunter bots. I didn’t think it was this bad. All of them running the same laps in the zone. Keeping all wolfs and bears dead 24/7. I lost count of them. They also seem quite advanced, if you kill and loot a mob that is skinnable they instantly tries to ninjaskin it if they are close by.
This have gotten way out of hand. I bet a vast majority of the playerbase are buying bot gold in order for this massive supplychain to be worth it…
Leaves a really bad taste… And btw, I blame the playerbase. They create the demand. “Playing” the game with their mastercard. Buying boosts to 60 and then buying BIS-gear.
I agree, if there would be less goldbuyers there would be way less bots too which after sneaking a peek on certain sites and comparing to ingame it correlates somewhat with the amount of superbot armies I’m seeing.
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Dont worry. it isnt that bad, really. Thing will get “much better” once portal pass returns
I blame Blizzard for not enforcing their own rules. Players will always take shortcuts when able. Multi gorillion dolla company should have known
I gave it a quick bit of thought and I can’t really see any good way out of it. Which I guess is why the problem still persists.
The playerbase obviously want this because they cba to play the game, to level and roll on gear. So the bot industry will remain and supply what the players are asking for.
Blizzard will be 100% reactive and have to combat this nonstop to fix whatever new ways the botters comes up with. Constantly being one step behind.
Take away all forms of trading. Make all loot personal. Taking the matches out of the childs hand so to speak. This would destroy large portions of the game and so it will never be implemented. But obviously the playerbase can’t handle the freedom given to us in the game without abusing it.
The real and only viable solution:
Playerbase stops buying gold, boosts and gear. But people are way too lazy and entitled these days so that’s never going to happen either.
And so we are stuck with this self-inflicted problem. Kind of like that meme where a guy runs a stick in the frontwheel of his own bicycle.
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The rules do get enforced and botters and goldbuyers get penalised. There even was a topic some days ago that said the bots they reported got banned only to return in the same zone so it’s not like no action is being taken.
But the OP of that thread then kept insisting that no action was being taken contrary to his own observation that pointed the opposite so uh.
Oh yea about this, that is why certain gold boosters sell dungeon runs or boss kills instead of trading - which would evade a trade blockade like now.
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