Zul’Jin did nothing wrong

pretty sure revendreth is his rightful afterlife he must atone for his sins or go the maw to be totured for all eternity for his crimes in torghast sorta like the player is weekly

For Orcs and Draenei things are different though, they had no world to go back to. They had no choice but to settle down somewhere else, unlike High Elves who decided to leave the Kaldorei society out of political reasons. Even so, it doesn’t mean High Elves are inherently to blame for from every perspective, of course they had their reasons and they did what they thought was best for themselves. The matter here is, are they to blame from the Forest Trolls’ perspective ? Yes, of course they are

And you can totally go harsh on Humans, if only for Kul Tiras and what they did to the Drust


You could. But since Kul Tirans are once again protagonists, the narrative bent over itself to show how they were nice innocent settlers attacked by the evil monstrous drust who were relentless and so evil and so mean, that even some of their own people sided with the Kul Tirans.



Because he stood up against the colonialist that hunted his people like game for 7000 years.
He became a boggy man to the HE, like Hannibal before the gates became one for the Romans.

Yes the conflict has of course a lot of grey ares, even though the Helfves started all of it with their colonization. For the Amani it was about the Forests of their loa and their survival. Zul’jin was certain, that if the Horde would lose the Alliance would come for them, even if the Amani wouldn’t have supported the war.

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I just recalled Zul’jin tortured Lor’themar first when he was captured by the Amani in Blood of the Highborne before the Second War, Zul’jin almost gutted him and opened his whole stomach, and drugged him too.

So that may be the reason, Lor’themar was the second in command of Sylvanas so he was pretty much liked among the Farstriders Rangers. Lor’themar wasn’t present when Zul’jin was tortured but the Rangers still remembered that Zul’jin tortured one of their leaders first…

Yes. He did do that. He wanted to learn the secrets of the rune stones and of the sunwell and he was close.
Torture is never a good thing.

However: His people were hunted like animals and under permanent population control. There is even a quest in game for that.

After 7000 years, the lose of their land and the fear of extinction drove Zul’jin to extreme measures to defend his people. Doesn’t make his methods and his slaughters just, but he did was he saw fit. His methods likley saved the Amani from extinction. In their oppressed position that’s whats matters. In the end he wasn’t wrong to fight for his people.

The one sided representation of this conflict is really sad. The Amani were invaded, robed of most of their lands and they are described as savaged and hunted like game. Even though they are the oppressed ones and have to defend themselves.

They remembered it and it was even the reason why the Amani went in to the offensive after the High Elves traveled through the heart of their Empire (note, they were not attacked right away in Lordareon which was Amani land during the time).

Zul’jin himself even said something about it in blood of the Highbornes.
He said everyone want’s to drive the Amani from their land. From the Aqir, Night Elves and now High Elves, but they all failed. The Amani are like a bad dream that won’t go away.

One could argue the High Elves violated the treaty Queen Azhara set up with the Zandalari millennia ago. Of course for them this would have no meaning. For the Trolls however, it was a guarantee to keep what was left of their lands.

Yeah it’s a weird trope. The same is happening with most npc races.


Damn I love him so much


Ok, but the Orcs and Darkspears did the same in Durotar, where they took the lands of Harpies and Quillboars to make their own cities…and they almost killed them all, too…

you can say Quillboars are more savage than the Amani? Sure…but they are still people (not animals, just because they look like pigs). They are humanoids and not beasts, and that land was theirs…so…sadly the world works like that, the stronger wins and take the land, the weaker suffers :stuck_out_tongue: a concept that the Horde races know for sure…

In the original lore of Warcraft 2, the High Elves always were natives of Quel’thalas…that was changed when Blizzard created the Night Elves and they made the High Elves descend from them and coming from Kalimdor. But in the original Warcraft 2 game that was not said, and Zul’jin was attacking Elves who always lived there. Then it was changed later in Warcraft 3 and WoW.

Ahh man i remember playing WC2 back on my PS1 with the baddies like Zul’jin,Gul’dan,Grommash,Ner’zhul,Orgrim Doomhammer(favourite Warchief) and then in 2019 first time coming to WoW and started playing that and seeing that some of the characters from those old games had a part in WoW at some point too…made me teary eyed :smiley:


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