I had this idea where maybe we can have Zul’Aman as a Horde city which can be inhabited by the Revantusk tribe, a few Zandalari and Blood elf visitors.
The beauty of the place is amazing, and in my opinion the Horde needs beautiful nature cities like these. It would give Quel’Thalas more visitors as well. The city requires no editing or changes at all, it is already beautiful. just needs some NPC’s added and a seperate entrance so one entrance for the instance/Raid, one entrance for the city itself.
Now as for Playable Forrest Trolls (Revantusk tribe) this can be achieved by customizations. The trolls share similar/same hairstyles as the Darkspear. same face tattoos. the female shares the same body as the female Darkspear. the main difference really is the Green skin and buff male body. I feel like the Buff male body is the one that might require some work, but it could be achieved by giving the male Darkspear a second body option similar to the male orcs.
the reason why i requested customizations is because its easier and they share many similarities, and this is the common themes nowadays. A few examples of races added as customizations: Wildhammer, Darkfallen, High elves, Sand trolls.
Forrest trolls have a long history in wow, and they briefly joined the Horde in Warcraft 2. in Burning Crusade the Revantusk tribe joined the Horde giving them that warcraft 2 feeling again.
Spoilers for Dragonflight
we know that we are going to meet some ancient Trolls in Dragonflight possibly giving us more infomation about their origin. so Trolls are going to be BIG next expansion.
also please avoid replying to the above infomation so you dont spoiler it.
Well if they ever remake Quel’thalas basically the entire eastern shoreline beyond the mountains is supposed to be Zul’aman. Not just that one Raid/Dungeon. Heck it could be its own zone like the Twilight Highlands or something.
Biggest difference is pretty much the broad chin lol.
Well, I have nothing against giving players customization options (except ressource concerns), especially for things that are part of the playable factions anyways… but Zul’Aman as a Horde city? Would troll fans really like further homogenization of troll tribes under the Horde banner? That they are hostile NPCs is kind of the reason trolls got as much diverse cultural content as they did. They certainly won’t be doing troll stories for each tribe, when they are all in the Horde, and you’d be lucky if the Horde trolls weren’t just all lumped in with each other all the time. Not sure I see the win for troll players in that one.
i mean do the Amani still live there? i doubt it given we saw them in Pandaria and Zandalar. They neva die apparently. But yeah if a Forrest troll takes control of the area it wouldnt be a problem, Revantusk are horde after all. Better than leaving the city in ruins.
i mean look at Zul Gurub. Lorewise after the fall of the Gurubashi, the Darkspear of Bambala along with 2 Zandalari NPC’s now look after the city. A NPC confirmed this. So Darkspear now have control of Zul Gurub which means its a Horde city.
“The Gurubashi are dead, and Hakkar with them. Most of my fellow Zandalar have returned to their homeland. It falls to me, Maywiki, and the Darkspears of Bambala to watch over Zul’Gurub now.” - Chabal
You’re writing your wishes for future stories. And you decided to make it “give it to the Horde trolls” instead of “have a plot about the Forest Trolls reclaiming it for themselves”. It’s your wishlist, it could be anything you want it to be. So yes, it will be measured against the possible alternatives you are discarding, and one of those is Amani living there or coming there again.
Ah i see your point now. But if the Amani does reclaim it, which i doubt it considering how many expanstions we slaughtered them. It wouldnt really be a visitibale city, as Amani are hostile.
in terms of plot its easy. Revantusk (who were once part of the Amani empire) take Zul’Aman with the help of the Horde (mainly Darkspear and Zandalari) in return, the player unlocks the Forrest troll customizations.
tadaaaa. i know its a weird plot but i dont have a way with words, mon.
If they really want, the Blood Elves have the means to wipe out Zul’Aman now (I mean Blood Elves without even the support of the rest of the Horde), so that old Amani saying is probably outdated by now
but this follows the trend of their lore, after all…even in the past, if King Anasterian had really made a military effort after the Troll Wars or Second War, Zul’Aman wouldn’t exist anymore now.
Of course as a Blood Elf fan, I’m against them playable in the Horde, not because I dislike them but because there would be little sense as long as the Blood Elves are in the faction. Both races would never work well in the same alliance, unless the Amani completely submit and concede that the majority of Quel’thalas is now officially elven territory (extremely out-of character for a proud and arrogant Amani forest troll leader of course). Even the Orcs are different because despite the damage they inflicted upon Quel’thalas, the Second War was short and not comparable to thousands of years of history of war, and the portion of forests burnt by the Orcs was subsequently ruined and corrupted by the Scourge anyway.
But sure, you could still get a forest troll Revantusk model and RP him or her as an Amani, I don’t have problem with that, just like I don’t really have problems with Void Elves -or even other Blood Elves- players pretending to be High Elves. As long as the Amani in particular don’t become officially playable lore-wise as an allied race inside the Horde, it’s okay
You got me wrong. I am not troll fan. But I liked that speech. ANd I would like Zul’Aman to remain a hostile city. That is it’s charm. Or else, it would become very boring quickly. As I remember devs care only for Stormwind and Orgrimmar.
There are too few mysteries left in Azeroth (and friends).
I remember how much I searched for that enchanted shrine in Ashenvale, and how happy I was when I found it.
to be fair i want the Revantusk playable, not the Amani. I also want the Revantusk to be the owners of Zul Aman, as it would be a shame to see a beautiful place go to waste. but i feel like they wont leave the Hinterlands, sadly.
If someone want to roleplay a Amani in a non-horde guild, hey i wont stop them. There are already Amani roleplayers anyway who joined non-horde guilds.
Yeah the Revantusk won’t leave the Hinterlands…the best they can get it’s that their village will be updated and expanded upon.
Actually I would be okay to give Zul’Aman to the Darkspears or Zandalari too, or make it avalaible for Horde players to visit as a real city, but the Amani issue still needs to be resolved, first. And we know Blizzard love to maintain the status quo more or less intact, so they are usually not willing to give a capital city (even if it’s just a city meant for hostile NPCs) to another playable faction, not in the game at least. They would rather destroy a capital city rather than allowing the other faction to conquer it, like it happened with Teldrassil or Undercity in BfA.
But hey, maybe it could happen when the devs decide that it’s time to finally update Silvermoon and Quel’thalas, too, for the Blood Elves, Zul’Aman could follow and become a proper Horde city…except a Quel’thalas revamp is not happening in Dragonflight, so anytime soon sadly…
To be frank the Troll Ancestors are about as likely to be relevnt outside Dragonflight as the Vrykul ended up. (Aka very little)
The issue with updates is that they only really happen, when Blizzard wants to do a big story there. I’m not sure i want current Blizzard to do a big story, in Quel’thalas xD
It’s safer to keep current Blizzard out of our beloved places. So far they messed everything they touched. (See Ashenvale, Darkshore, Blasted lands, Stonetalon, etc). Maybe in the future they will be able to revamp zoned and make them nice to play. But so far they record sucks.
Sand trolls aren’t playable yet. The Skin we got is yellow. Not golden.
Yes but it is the Amani who are the dominant tribe. If any of these join the Horde it should be them. Or the vilebranch. Revantusk and Darkspear are far too small population wise to make any difference.
The Revantusk are fighting against the Wildhammer Dwarves, High Elves and other hostile Trolls like the Vilebranch and are holding their ground and even winning in some cases, so definitely they are a better choice than the Amani who basically have only Zul’Aman at this point and when they try to attack someone they always fail…
about the skins, I’m pretty sure the yellow one is considered to be a sand troll by Blizzard for RP purposes, even if it’s not golden. And Blizzard might not want to give troll players a green skin because if they recall about old lore (doubtful, but still), green trolls actually don’t exist. Even forest trolls are likely blue like the jungle ones, but they look like they are green because they are covered in moss and other herbs to disguise themselves in the forest (or because they just like to be covered in moss )
Wrong. Out of all the tribes they still hold the most land. All over Eversong and Ghostlands. Only the vilebranch tribe hold a similar amount of stuff. Like the big cities in Hinterlands. The Revantusk are just a footnote. Just like the Darkspear they are the smallest tribe of their respective race. Also the Dwarfs need to be kicked out of the Hinterlands. If the Revantusk and Vilebranch team up they will have no chance of winning.