Zul'Aman + Playable Forrest trolls

It’s too risky, today an unified Troll empire is way too risky for the survival of the other races, elves of the Horde included. I am willing for Quel’thalas and Suramar to stay like they are now (maybe update them to present day and make them into a Confederation in the future, but not something bigger than that) just as long as all Trolls don’t unify themselves and become too strong either, you know it would end in a bad way for both races anyway. And the Zandalari as they are now wouldn’t be able to control the lesser savage troll tribes, anyway.

Plus, until Blood Elves/Nightborne/Darkspears/Zandalari are in the Horde, they don’t really need an Empire for themselves, the Horde would be the Empire itself so we don’t need “sub-Empires”, both for Elves and Trolls. They would just fall eventually like the Western and Eastern Roman Empires when they divided themselves anyway. (also because the Humans and Orcs as protagonist main races of this game, they wouldn’t allow it, any race becoming too strong without their leadership is doomed to fail anyway)

No. He shall die. He is a sellout and a traitor.

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He wanted to continue the Fourth War because he knew that the Horde was winning.

Lor’themar wanted the Horde to keep having a Warchief too, not a Council. But then Thrall and Baine chose otherwise. (and initially Lor’themar insisted on having a Warchief again, because he said it’s always been like that in the Horde, but Thrall and Baine didn’t listen).

So Im not sure Erevien is not taking this into consideration for Lor’themar and calling him a traitor…he’s not like Thrall, Rokhan and Baine at the very least…

That was harsh of you. Now he has to open another bottle of copium just to swallow this fact. :frowning:

He agreed to the peace treaty and helped to kill Kael’thas. He is an arch traitor just like the rest of the council.

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The alliance was winning on all fronts. Nathanos knew this and tells it to Sylvanas after patch 8.1.

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Yet the Alliance itself claims that they need to work with the Horde Rebels (a minority) and is drafting farmers for their armies because else they will lose.

It’s the same as in MoP, when the True Horde, consisting of only a minority of orcs and a handful of other races (couple belves, tauren, goblins) would be able to beat both the Alliance and the Darkspear Rebellion of they didn’t launch a desperate attack.

Then again, this is Blizzard. It could really be possible that both factions were losing and winning. :man_shrugging:

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That’s because in both cases, sieging Orgrimmar was a big deal. It always has been, for capital cities and especially Stormwind and Orgrimmar. Maybe the Alliance could conquer it alone but the Humans are usually not a race that want to take more losses that it’s strictly necessary. Especially when a Horde rebellion is still around that could attack them from behind while they are sieging the city. So the help of the Horde rebels is always needed by the Alliance. Overall in my opinion it’s too not wrong to say that the Alliance was winning in the EK and the Horde in Kalimdor, despite the fleet of Kul Tiras giving the Alliance an advantage in the seas.

The Zandalari played a big part in the Troll Wars, despite not directly…they gave the Amani commanders, resources, soldiers and most important, aggressive Loas to attack Quel’thalas and shock the High Elves with the surprise factor. So basically it was a 2vs1 until the help of the Humans of Arathor and a few Night Elves like Emmarel Shadewarden made it a 2vs2 once again.

But as you can see, despite what happened in the Troll Wars, Quel’thalas is willing to work alongside Zandalar because the Zandalari have changed their old ways…the Amani did not change their views nor apologized, so until that happens, there can be nothing but hostilities with Zul’Aman. And as I said earlier the Blood Elves are not asking the Horde to help wiping them out, despite they could have done that, too.

well what can i say. Trolls dont even have their heritage armor, and you want them to create a buff body for the male trolls to introduce Revantusk.

maybe in 2025.

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Amani. Revantusk suck. The true forest troll leaders are the Amani. They are the original Horde allies back from Warcraft 2.


You didn’t ask them. So you can’t know that. I am willing to give anyone a second chance who asks. The Amani are as much deserving of the Horde’s friendship as anyone else is-


The rebellion will be crushed. The council will die. And the true Horde will rise again to make the alliance suffer likey they deserve it.

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Well neither do the Draenei whilst the Blood Elves have got 2 heritage armors of sorts.

Then we have the Orcs, Night Elves, Humans and Forsaken - but their compensation was the Warfront Armor which was styled after them.

I’m willing to bet the Draenei and Darkspear will be the next 2 races to get heritage armor.


Some Amani allied with Arthas when the Scourge was destroying Silvermoon…you can see them in the map where Anasterian is killed. Now tell me how anybody should trust a troll tribe that was neutral/friendly to an undead army that’s corrupting and destroying the territory in which they live and that they consider their own just to destroy the elves :sweat_smile: :joy:

Pretty sure we asked back then in TBC, but Zul’jin gave the usual answer…“I spit on the Horde” and already that it’s an insult toward the Horde that should forbid the Amani to join forever unless they apologize toward the Horde (they never do that). The Orcs shouldn’t accept someone who insulted them and consider them guilty of abandoning them in the Second War when the Orcs had to deal with the Humans, not just the High Elves so the Amani are selfish too.

Yes Zul’jin abandoned Doomhammer when they needed to siege Lordaeron. He was shortsighted and stupid. However Zul’jin is dead and the Amani are under new rulership. Now more then ever we have the best chance to make sure the Horde and Amani stand together as one once again. Just like the serveral ogre clans and the Goblins from the Steamwheedle cartel did. Alliance already has their high elves and wildhammer dwarfs to make the second war allegiance complete. Now the Horde needs to follow suite. That is my dream. Having back the glory days of the Horde when we were strong and undefeated. Back when we wiped out the Draenei and Stormwind alike.


I like them both tbf. And I would love for all tribes to join the Horde. Same with all goblin cartels.

But, the Revantusk are more establisbed and less decimated by either the Horde or Alliance so if they all join the Horde, there is a big chance the Raventusk and Darkspear will take the leadership positions of the Horde Trolls (alongside the Zandalari ofcourse).

Zul’jin is kinda death tho.

I guess the Darkspear, Raventusk, Zandalari, Forsaken and blood elves should be kicked out of the Horde too, then

It was actually the Horde that abandoned the Amani in the Second War to deal with the high elves and Alliance alone.

The deal was for the Horde to conquer and destroy Quel’thalas and return it to the Amani.

Not the Amani’s fault the Horde decided that sieging Capital City and descending into Civil War was a good move at that point.

Defeating the humans was the key in defeating the alliance as a whole. The elves were trapped in Silvermoon anyways since they couldn’t beat the Horde in an open battle. In hindsight. The Siege of Lordaeron could have worked if the Amani and Dragon riders been present during the fight. After that was done Doomhammer might derected his attention to Quel’thalas.

You have to look at this from a strategic viewpoint. If Horde wants more valuable soldiers in great numbers then we need the bigger tribes on our sides. And that are the Amani, Gurubashi and Farraki. The Horde has lost too many soldiers in the last war and our ranks are depleted.


Alright, you made a fair point there.

Sadly, that doesn’t remove the feeling of betrayal the Amani feel towards the Horde.

Maybe, but we don’t know if their surviving groups are particaluraly large. Like the Farraki in Zul’Farrak are only 300 trolls!

Then again, knowing Blizzard. THey’ll suddenly have a veritable army of trolls if/when needed :stuck_out_tongue:

You want more numbers but they are also more mouths to feed and more people to give money and territory…Baine said the Horde shouldn’t become too large and he is unwilling to even make the Vulpera join initially. So imagine an entire Troll tribe.

For now maybe it’s better if the Forsaken find a way to recruit more Scourge from the Plaguelands and Northrend to add new members in their ranks, Undead don’t waste as much resources anyway, and the Scourge would be reduced even more. Do that and only later MAYBE we can talk about Ogres and the remaining Troll tribes (if they behave in a good way and really contributed to the Horde war efforts, with Ogres and Trolls you never know what they are actually up to)