As it did in original World of Warcraft, the Zul’Gurub 20-person raid will have a 3-day reset timer. The ZG reset will be different in each region, and the first reset will occur less than one day after the raid opens at 11:59 p.m. CEST on 15 April.
In this region, the first reset for ZG will be at 9:00 a.m. CEST on Thursday, 16 April. This will be 9 hours after launch.
Thereafter, the raid will reset every 72 hours as expected.
does that mean we get to do ZG twice in the same day? 
like if you have a big pp
I have never done ZulGurub except when it was a dungeon. It will be fun to explore!
So the first reset after 72 hours will be sunday at 09.00 hours?
This schedule was a really bad idea for server stability. As every single EU player was forced to do ZG in a 9 hour window. Since the launch as at midnight as well, the vast majority of EU players wanted to do it as soon as possible.
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