Recientemente han salido los dialogos de cada lider de faccion ante el encarcelamiento de Baine, veamos:
“Well, I didn’t see that comin’!
Wish I’d known things were gonna heat up this much. I coulda charged DOUBLE for admission!”
El bueno de Gally en su linea, supongo que ira con quien mas beneficios le reporte, que por el momento, todo apunta a Sylvanas.
Lor’themar Theron:
“I cannot fault Baine’s heart, even if his actions were drastic. Through this act of defiance, he exposed a schism in the Horde that has been growing since the attack on Teldrassil.
I fear that by openly opposing Sylvanas, he may have put his own people at risk. As mine would be, were I to side with him.
These are perilous times. We must be cautious… and deliberate.”
Lor’themar piensa que Baine se ha precipitado, aunque ha puesto de manifiesto un malestar en la horda que lleva creciendo desde lo de Teldrassil, tambien piensa que ha podido poner a su gente en peligro, que todos deben ser cautos y deliberar.
“Dis be some bad juju, mon. Da Horde gotta stick together if we gonna win dis war… but Sylvanas… she not be makin’ dat easy.
And dis just gonna throw more fuel on da fire.”
Rohkan piensa que la horda debe permanecer unida, pero que Sylvanas no lo esta poniendo facil, echando mas leña al fuego.
“Without de Horde beside us, my people would now be at de mercy of de Alliance. We owe much to de warchief… but we will not follow her blindly.
Baine Bloodhoof has shown honor and respect to de Zandalari. He must be given a chance to face his accusers and answer for dis supposed crime.”
Talanji basicamente dice que no seguiran a la horda ciegamente, y que Baine ha sido honorable con los Zandalari, parece sugerir que este se someta a un juicio sobre lo que se le acusa.
Overlord Geyarah:
“She is no orc, but the warchief shows strength by punishing that tauren who deceived and betrayed her.
Those who lack loyalty also lack honor.”
Geyah’ra piensa que Baine es un traidor, y que Sylvanas ha hecho bien al castigarlo, que quien carece de lealtad, carece de honor.
Me encanta esta mujer, una vez mas, los Mag’har no decepcionan.
“Our rebellion against Elisande was just, and it earned me a blade in the back. I pray Baine does not meet a similar fate.
The nightborne are still new to the Horde. Perhaps I should seek Lor’themar’s council. He understands what my people have endured, and I have learned much through our conversations.”
Thalyssra recuerda el levantamiento de su gente contra Elisande, no obstante, parece ser cauta y dice que buscara el consejo de Lor’themar.
Mayla Highmountain:
“Is this what the Horde stands for? Imprisoning those who act with compassion and honor?
Perhaps my people should have never left Highmountain…”
Mayla se pregunta si la horda actua asi, encerrando a quien actua con compasion y honor, y se plantea si su gente debio salir de montealto.
Sinceramente, y haciendo un apunte personal, Mayla me parece una lider patetica, cuando llegamos a Montealto en Legion apenas era capaz de manejar la situacion, y no me parece que aprendiera gran cosa, Lassan me parece mucho mejor lider para los montealto, aunque si bien, no creo que su opinion difiera mucho de la de ella.
“There are others who must hear of this, $n.
And they will.”
Rexxar habla de chivarse, de quien esta hablando? Varok? Thrall?
“You see what happened to Baine? To Zelling? That’s why we need to lay low, keep our heads down, follow the warchief’s lead. At least for now.
Baine’s mistake wasn’t acting against Sylvanas. His mistake was acting too soon.”
Esta es de las opiniones que mas confundido me tienen, esta diciendo que ya planeaba esto desde entonces? que esta con Baine? esta diciendo que Baine actuo demasiado pronto y que hay que mantener un “perfil bajo”.
“Years ago, Tirion Fordring sacrificed everything to spare my life as a matter of honor. Baine has done much the same. Are we now to punish him for it?
I fear the Horde is becoming what we once hated, $c. And I do not like it.”
Eitrigg recuerda su historia con Tirion y piensa que la horda se esta convirtiendo en lo que siempre odio, me llama la atencion como salta rapido con esto, pero con Garrosh no le oimos decir ni mú.
Lilian Voss:
"Thomas Zelling has… had… a family in life. He made me promise to keep them safe, even after they called him a monster and shunned him for being undead. It is a promise I will continue to keep.
If they ever ask how he met his fate, I will tell them that he died a hero.
We Forsaken are raised with free will. That’s what separates us from the Scourge. Sylvanas Windrunner used to take pride in that distinction.
But after all I have seen in this war, I must wonder if that still holds true. "
Y aqui tal vez la opinion mas interesante, al venir de una renegada, Lilian dice que los renegados eran levantados con libre voluntad, y que Sylvanas solia enorgullecerse de esto, ahora se duda sobre si esto sigue siendo asi.
En resumen:
Todo el mundo vs Geyah’ra y Sylvanas, y tal vez Gallywix.