Pour le moment, il y a 2 choses qui m’ont fait plaisir à lire :
Borrowed Power
- The team reflected on the borrowed power systems of the past few expansions and admit that giving players power and then taking it away at the end didn’t feel good.
- As they thought of a way to move forward without borrowed power systems, they realized that the only talent system used to fill those gaps by giving you something new every expansion that would not be taken away at the end.
- The goal of the new talent system is to grow on it in further expansions with more layers and rows.
- They want the new talent system to be sustainable for at least a few expansions and what to do at that point is an issue to solve then.
- Legendaries as they have existed in Legion and Shadowlands are not going to be in Dragonflight.
- These types of legendaries were a way to fill the gap left by the removal of talent trees and tier sets.
- This is not to say that we will never see legendaries again. Thematic items that drop such as Sylvanas’s bow will still be added where it makes sense.
Je hais ce système de Borrowed Power, et celui des items/leg/bonus qui « remplacent » les talents/sorts d’une classe/spé qu’on avait souvent auparavant.
Je veux obtenir des nouvelles choses sur MON personnage et les garder jusqu’à la fin du jeu!
Pas via 1 item ou un conduit/PNJ/Bonus ou je ne sais quoi!
A voir par la suite sur la refonte des sorts/talents qu’ils vont proposer, surtout avec le nouvel « arbre de talents ».
Mais ceux sont les 1er bonnes nouvelles pour ma part sur cet intervew.