Quand le passé sert d'avertissement


Je parcourais reddit (qui est une précieuse source de renseignement, un peu plus libre que les forums officiels !) et je tenais à partager avec vous quelques témoignages que j’ai pu trouver lors de quelques fils de discussions relatifs à vous savez quel sujet.

Par contre… C’est en anglais !

However I also played Classic WoW on a server which was an unofficial spanish server (Agamaggan)

Many (not all) of the Spanish players I encountered on there had no desire to communicate with non-spanish speakers. They played the game to themselves and consequently English, Swedish, Hungarians and other nationals did the same. Guilds were very nationalistic with <The British Brotherhood> <Hungarian Honoured> <Swedish Valhalla Elite> and others popping up.

This fractured the communities that could speak English and caused a population problem for several Guilds.

Eventually Blizzard opened dedicated Spanish realms and offered free character migrations. The server went from Medium pop to Low pop and never recovered, with most Guilds having migrated by the end of TBC.

You just gave me a flashback. I was one of those, who migrated to Kor’gall from Agamaggan.

I remember getting grouped with some from Hakkar in WotLK LFG, and always having to hope they brought along a translator, as the Hakkarians only would speak Italian, making planning way harder.

Crushridge-EU was also notorious for being full of Italians. Also for being piss poor at the game. Used to hate getting grouped up with them in wrath.

I also happened to unintentionally settle on a polish realm. They were decent at the game, but downright assumed 100% of the population was also polish. Getting whispers constantly to join their « gildia » got on my nerves.

Started playing on Warsong EU, afterwards that turned into the de facto Russian server, that wasn’t fun.
That turned into a free transfer to Emeriss, which turned into a Bulgarian server. Again, not much fun. Pugging just wasn’t an option, we got a tight group of Scandinavian/Benelux/British players who were refugees.

I’ve already experienced wow as a melting pot on private servers. If I was a european, I wouldn’t want that. You don’t end up with one big community, you end up with english lingua franca and a bunch of fragments defined by a given language with almost no overlap between them. It basically becomes retail, except you don’t talk because most of the group won’t be able to understand.

Bruh. I played on a server that was full of Russians. If my memory serves me right we were eventually offered free server transfers and the realm was made an official russian server. It sucked ass.

I got f*cked by this in vanilla… my alliance realm was Hakkar which slowly turned into Italian only and I couldn’t afford a transfer.

Broke my little heart having to leave my main there until wotlk while I rerolled elsewhere.

I also got f*cked by this playing on Hakkar, but from the other side. Meaning I’m Italian and playing in a server like this was a terrible experience, made me feel ashamed of being Italian. Most Italians I’ve come across on wow, before they added localized realms, had a good enough understanding of English to communicate if they wanted to. The problem is they didn’t want to. Because they were toxic people who thought they were entitled to a localized realm and were actively trying to push out foreigners by speaking Italian only as a way to stick it to Blizzard.

I recall playing on Drak’thul EU in Vanilla and TBC. We nicknamed it Czech’thul because most (and I mean ~95%) LFGs and LFMs in chat were followed by « … cz only ». On a few occasions I would just /w inv and proceed to not talk/repeat basic czech words if confronted.

In the end I did get into an english speaking guild and eventually migrated realms. But the point is, there’s going to be small to medium communities that don’t speak english regardless if they did make servers for different languages.

I remember back in WOTLK there was a Swedish guild on my realm that wouldn’t play with anyone else but Swedish people, they also made PUGs for Ulduar when they couldn’t get the numbers and if an item dropped they would just straight ninja it, if a guildie got outrolled the item would still go to the guild player and if you tried to argue the case you would get kicked from the raid.

3 mentions « J’aime »

Ça prouve bien une chose, si tant est qu’il était besoin de le prouver tant ça tombe sous le sens : même en parlant très correctement anglais (ce qui est le cas des gens qui ont posté cela), ça a nui grandement à leur expérience de jeu.

Un serveur multiculturel est un serveur multiconflictuel. :sunglasses:

Merci, très intéressant de voir à quel point blizzard fait n’importe quoi et ne tire aucune conclusions de ses erreurs passées.

J’espère qu’ils auront la présence d’esprit de rectifier le tir avant que les fr et les allemands, qui sont bien vnr aussi, soir ne se tirent soit créent leurs petits gettos respectifs avecc tout ce que ça comporte en terme de tensions communautaires.

C’est sûr, j’aurai préféré un serveur fr puisque je suis une bille en anglais et allemand voire russe. …

Cependant je vais faire abstraction des non francophones. Comme à Paris ou dans les aéroports, j’interargis que quand je comprends et ça ne va pas me gâcher le plaisir de jouer à Wow classic.

1 mention « J’aime »