🐛 Баги (и не баги) патча 30.0.X + [FAQ]

В багрепортах официальных такое не фиксировали насколько я помню и у меня тоже таких проблем никогда не было (на двух аккаунтах), да и массовых репортов на эту тему тоже не припомню. Попробуй проверку и восстановление (ПК) сделать.

Лайков: 1

У меня вчера прогрессия остановилась как то пару штук насчитало и все

Улучшения и исправления патча 23.4 (выходит завтра):

  • Fixed a bug where the card history tile for Nellie, the Great Thresher would show which Pirates were chosen.
  • Fixed a bug making it difficult to target the enemy hero on the second Barbed Nets selection.
  • Fixed a bug where Pufferfist would always trigger before Defias Cannoneer. They will now trigger in the order they were played.
  • Fixed a bug where if Glugg the Gulper had its stats set by an effect (like Equality), Glugg would not be able to Gulp any stats after that point.
  • Fixed a bug where the card Parrrley would shuffle the opponent’s deck without stating “shuffle” in its description.
  • Nagalings that have learned cards with Echo or “repeatable this turn” will now add a temporary copy of the spell to your hand.
  • The Legacy card set (including cards that were specially created for Core and since removed from it) can now be obtained from Wild packs.
  • Players who have special Battlegrounds Boards equipped will now always see their equipped Board whenever facing an opponent who has the Classic Battlegrounds Board equipped.
  • Spellcraft spells will now be added to your hand after any wagers won by Lord Barov.
  • Fixed a bug causing some players to get an error when trying to start a game with a Battlegrounds party.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to invite ineligible players (those who hadn’t completed the Battlegrounds tutorial) into a Battlegrounds party.
  • Fixed a bug where if a Battlegrounds party was formed by a party leader who was playing on a mobile device, players in that party got very little or no ratings adjustments after the game.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes blocked one party member from spectating other party members after losing or conceding a Battlegrounds game.
  • Fixed a bug where cards obtained by Ambassador Faelin’s Hero Power, and then obtained by another hero (like Tess, Rafaam, or Mr. Biggelsworth) would not be playable if the new owner was not at that card’s Tavern Tier.
  • Fixed a bug where the Battlegrounds scoreboard was cut off on some mobile devices.
  • Added keyword tooltips to several Mercenaries Abilities that were missing them.
  • Corrected Mercenaries encounters that had the wrong role indicator on the Bounty map.
  • Fixed a bug causing various issues with the “New!” indicators in the Mercs Collection.
  • Fixed a bug that could on rare occasion cause Duels games to automatically end in a tie.
  • Fixed a bug causing the Duels Treasure Stalker’s Supplies to not shuffle Improved Emergency Maneuvers into the player’s deck.
  • Fixed a bug where Stormcaller Bru’kan would cast four copies of Elemental Chaos, instead of two.
  • Fixed a bug where the “An Acquired Taste” Achievement did not count spells made Poisonous by Mr. Slate.
  • Fixed a bug where the “Army of Azshara” Achievement did not count “All” minions as Naga.
  • Several more Developer Cards have been added to the credits.
  • Fixed a bug causing errors with the reconnect feature on mobile devices.
  • Framerate selection will now default to a suggested framerate based on your device. Framerate selections can be adjusted in the Options menu.
  • Fixed a bug causing some players to see an inaccurate “low RAM” warning on certain iOS devices.
  • Misc. other performance improvements and bug fixes.
  • Fixed a bug causing errors with the reconnect feature on mobile devices.

Ну наконец-то.

Лайков: 1

Известные баги патча 23.4

  • Reno Jackson’s Treasure Inspector Equipment in Mercenaries will occasionally fail to cast anything. The team is working on this issue.
  • Opening certain Wild-only packs will cause a crash on Android devices. This issue is expected to be fixed in the next major patch. In the meantime, those packs can be opened without any issue on PC and iOS devices.
  • Favorite card back selections are not locking in Arena, Duels, and some single-player content. This issue is expected to be fixed in the next major patch.

Post-launch issues:

  • [Resolved 6/1]: We are aware that Tyrael was a little late to show up, but he’s made it now. You can now claim you free Tyrael Mercenary Card in the shop!
  • [Resolved 6/1]: The team is aware that some players got Tyrael portraits as their free Tyrael claim instead of the base Tyrael Mercenary card. The bug causing this issue has been resolved.
  • [Resolved 6/1, Updated 6/3]: We are aware that an additional copy of Remote-Controlled Golem has been added to the collection. It is part of solo content and was not supposed to be made collectible. 6/3 Update: Players who got copies of this extra version of Remote-Controlled Golem cards have now had those extra versions removed and full dust value awarded for them.
  • [Resolved 6/2]: The team is aware that the Mercenaries Campaign Task “Whispers of the Old Gods: Task 4” can’t be completed as written. It currently is tied to the Captain Shivers Bounty, instead of the Acolyte of N’Zoth Bounty. This will be fixed in a hotfix planned for later this week, but in the meantime you can progress by heading to Captain Shivers. Update: After the 6/2 Hotfix goes live, this workaround will no longer be applicable and the Task will only be able to be completed as written.
  • [Resolved 6/2]: The team is aware that the Thrall, Son of Durotan skin is missing from some players’ collections.
  • [Resolved 6/2]: The team is aware that Bioluminescence and Snapdragon are not working as intended. They will be fixed in a hotfix patch scheduled for later this week.
  • [Added 6/1]: The team is aware of a visual bug with Baine Bloodhoof’s Herbal Ancestry Equipment (Chain Heal will state it will heal 20, but it will actually heal for the correct amount based on that Ability and Equipment level).
  • [Added 6/1]: The team is aware of a bug with Lord Barov and Diablo. To avoid the issue, Lord Barov will be temporarily disabled while Diablo is back in Battlegrounds.
  • [Added 6/2]: The team is aware that Shattershambler is not working as intended. It will be fixed in an upcoming update.
  • [Resolved 6/3]: The team is aware of a small number of accounts seeing “Playful Sprites” error messages when trying to login. This will be fixed in the next available update.

Опять проблема с рубашками, стандартную не изменить. И у Казакуса перестал отображаться текст на заклинании за 10 маны. :man_facepalming:

не открывается пак с потасовки)

Самый крутой баг ,что зайти не можешь в игру потому что тебя забанили просто так

ты то чего кричишь. твоя проблема это не бан а просто какая то ошибка связанная с файлами. перекачай/перехешируй.
Если уверен, что это бан, сделай другую учетку и попробуй залогиниться под ней. Если ошибки нет, то только тогда можешь что-то говорить про бан

Во первых я не кричу, а цитирую слова админа ,во вторых что я тебе сделаю на айфоне???кроме ,как переустановлю клиент?я уже 5 раз переустановил его,ещё Советы дашь?и я не могу пробовать переключить регион или на Новый аккаунт ,как ты говоришь потому что у меня нет колесика Настройки меня сходу выкидывает с ошибкой

Нет, кричишь. Выйди и зайди как положено.

Баг с открытием паков должны были починить:

6/1 Update: we are currently in the process of rolling out a hotfix that will resolve this underlying issue and re-enable affected pack openings. The hotfix patch is expected to take approximately an hour to be released to all regions. Players affected by this bug prior to it being resolved will be addressed at a later time.

Проверьте, у вас работает?

Рекконект в меню теперь работает (ура).

Ну что, уже оценили, что Снэпдрэгон бафает все картонки, а не только существ.
Одеваешь Тавиша, а у него +1 к атаке…перманентно…

Я так понял, в игру лучше не заходить?)

Это кто?

Лайков: 1

Вот эта карта:

Редкая · Существо · Путешествие в Затонувший город · Боевой клич: все существа в вашей колоде с «Боевым кличем» получают +1/+1.

Это Морской варан.

Хорошо, что пока можно переждать в Книге Фаэлина, делая достижения и прохождение контента в Наёмниках, сломано довольно много вещей сейчас.

О, точно. В книге хоть всё работает?)