Ошибка 323

Ну в общем служба поддержки прислала мне отписку. Все действия, указанные в их ответе я проделала. Не помогает. Ну может на минуту-две дольше персы остаются в игре, но финал один - вылет( Вот мне интересно, а какая-то компенсация на такой случай предусмотрена? Все же нас меньшинство пострадавших… могли бы и компенсировать среду-четверг…

Там в Американской ветке проделал вообще все что только можно. Проблема очень глубокая и не решается обычными методами.

Достаточно прочесть сообщение из другой ветки.

This article that Blizzard keeps referring everyone to is CRAP!!! https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/32613

After turning everything on and off. After fiddling around with everything and doing almost everything it told me to do, it still does not work. Changing network security and proxy settings is one of the stupidest things any company has ever suggested. WOW is one of the most hacked games and hackers love to find users. There is no way I’m turning my security down for this game, no matter how much I love it. I have set up my Windows Protocols correctly so they know to trust the WOW servers.

On one of the Tuesday updates in late February, I was severely hacked on my home computer. Somehow on that day, hackers put a virus on my router. First time I’ve been hacked in over 16 years. A new computer and a new router later I was finally able to get back up and running. The virus put on my computer resulted in hackers getting the last six digits of my computer’s Universal ID Code, resulting in the new super duper computer.

I have always used Netgear routers. Working with their team we did a lot of verifying what happened and how the virus got set. We know the day, just not when. The one thing I did to ensure the other hackers would not get in again, downloaded the Netgear Nighthawk app on my phone so I could see the traffic that was coming in and out of my computer. I also signed up for Netgear’s monitoring program.

This has been a positive thing because, for about two weeks after I reset my home network with a new router, I would continue to see the DOS attacks on my home network. I would get pings on my phone. They didn’t get through and the attacks fizzled out within two weeks. No problems there.

I have Xfinity (Comcast) I pay for the highest speed and unlimited data package. So I have no limit, slowing down of traffic, or anything else someone may get if they are paying for one of the lower level services. I get an average download speed of 448.52Mbps, 23.85Mbps Upload, and the ping is 9ms. That is on my phone which is right next to the router over wifi. My computer is connected by ethernet cable. I don’t use Wifi on my home computer. I get a 905.41Mbps download and a 23.66Mbps upload. No problem there.

Nighthawk shows no attempted attacks on my system in over seven days. Perfect. No problem there.

This disconnecting from the WOW system started some time over this past weekend after the big prelaunch patch was downloaded. I would have the random disconnects after that download but I assumed it would be fixed on Tuesday morning. I was wrong, they were not better, they got much worse.

With that said, the last two days have been awful. I will get going and the second I hit Dragonflight content, my game crashes immediately. Not just “10.0.7” content. All of my characters are now in flight over the Dragon Isles! I just started my level 67 warrior in Dragonflight a few days ago. After frustration with my other three characters, I figured since she had absolutely no reason to be in the Forbidden Reach content, she’s also not level 70, I would work with her. I brought her over from Bastion, using portals, because she is still finishing SL content. I had enough time to pick up the weekly quests and then I headed for the Dragonscale Basecamp using the FLIGHT MASTER, not my own dragon. Then the game crashed with the same error.

I have done everything suggested in the above post for two days. I uninstalled and reinstalled the software, including the Battle.net launcher. I have launched the Launcher in administrator mode. I turned off all my add-ons. Renamed folders. EVERYTHING that has been mentioned, suggestions, and blamed for these crashes. Scan and repaired multiple times.

The one thing I had not done was check my network traffic. I have two separate routers in my home. About an hour ago I made all of my kids turn off their phones and moved all the TV connections to the other router. I made the kids take all of their internet traffic (Youtube, Final Fantasy, and Halo) and move those to the other router. This is the typical setup in my house, TVs going, Discord, my husband and I playing WOW, and the kids playing their own entertainment of choice. (Two of the three are over 18 so they don’t need me to monitor them!)

Then with all the new changes including resetting WOW for the third time today - YES, everything uninstalling and reinstalling, deleted folders, and everything else you can imagine. All add-ons are turned off. I went to Task List Manager and turned off every other application and background service running just to make sure. I even made sure Curseforge and Overwolf were off. I noticed on the Nighthawk traffic meter it had been up and down all day yesterday and today during the hours I was trying to get the game to work.

Please remember, my computer is connected by Ethernet directly to my router. I reset the router traffic meter on my phone and launched WOW on my very new I9 with an Nvidia 3070 card and 64GB Ram. There is also over 4TB of disk space. It’s not the computer. I even have all the updates to Windows 11 I should have. The UEFI is just fine! The computer is not the issue either.

I was allowed to finish the flight to the Dragonscale Basecamp. I wanted to test the system but I didn’t want to risk dying over the Obsidian area so I took off toward the Plains. The building of download data was showing. On the computer screen, it shows the little green ball at the top saying Blizzard is trying to download something.

I started my flight, and I crashed. More spikes in the downloads but then the hard Blizzard crash screen. I rebooted after I saw the traffic meter stop climbing. I turned off WOW and made sure No processes were going on in the background. I brought the Blizzard launcher back on as an administrator. Launched again. Made sure there was no update needing to be downloaded. I launched the game and logged into my character. Staying low to the ground just enough to get to the Centaur camp. But just as I was about to set down it crashed me out again! I look at my Traffic Meter. Each time it shows the data download and then it shows additional spikes. I can continue to see it every time I get on.

I went and made sure all of the addons I have were turned off. They were but there were some stray files. Okay, I deleted every one of them. A hard deleted. Not a Curseforge delete, a hard delete where nothing was there. Launched the game again! I stayed connected long enough to run the flight course. I disconnected with no movement after I stopped to add these notes to this post. I was gone for less than 30 seconds.

Side note: The crashing because of inactivity has become tedious also. I can’t even go get a cup of coffee in my kitchen upstairs and get back to my character standing out of the way without the system disconnecting me. IS AFK not a thing anymore?

One last try, I logged in and saw the spike in traffic, but I was on long enough to zone back to Bastion. I decided to fly off to get one of the daily quests for anima. I had barely left the stronghold before I crashed again. I’m now getting an error 325 which now seems to be related to Player files being corrupted. Logged back in to try to get my character out of flight and back to the mission table. But all of my interface “Edit” changes are now messed up. They are nowhere close to where I had them before which was pretty much in Classic mode. Crashed again!

I’ve had it for the night and quit the game. The 325 crash tells me I have to go scan and repair it AGAIN! I did look at my Traffic Meter. The continued download of data was still spiking until I completely logged out of the Blizzard launcher. YES, I did check and there are no updates waiting. The scan and repair process was completed with no errors or repairs needed.

We all know through the Blue Post you were going after ADDONS aggressively. That is understandable considering how some are used for botting but the ones I use are for informational reasons.

Blizzard has NOT created and probably will never create an interface that appeals to everyone. Especially not for those of us who just want more data. I want to know if I can run from dungeon to dungeon with no repairs. I want to be able to see what my location, village, etc… that I’m in. Mini-map is not enough. I want to know how much of one specific currency I have. A user has to stop and the simplest hit “U” for reputation and then click on the currency tab to find the answer. That is tedious when you are trying to calculate how much you need and how many more NPCs you have to kill to get what you want! When you start adding in things like Bear Spines as currency, which BLIZZARD doesn’t track or offer the ability to track it makes the players who are information-driven not enjoy the game. But there are a few add-ons that you can use that do add that information to your HUD, but they are not BOTS! They are pure Informational UI addons.

Blizzard makes a very poor interface. A majority of the add-ons out there are add-ons directly related to the interface and information on the game. There is no way you can meet everyone’s needs. The new UI is a positive step but it will not work for everyone.

You have for YEARS seriously encourage, fostered, and cultivated a strong relationship with the Add-on community. We understand the need to combat those culprits who use the Add-ons that go against the TOS but you are killing your player base when the results are players, who normally play 10+ hours a day have played less than three hours in a two-day period because I’ve spent the entire time troubleshooting this issue. (I’m retired - no comments from the peanut gallery, please!)

For the record, I have 30+ years as a computer expert. I have black-and-white box testing, I have programmed and been a program manager, and I have been a UI designer and consultant on what makes a UI easier to navigate for the end users. Above all else, I’ve been playing this game since BETA of 2004! I am not just making claims about testing. I have spent over 16 hours of my personal time TESTING because, unlike alot of your other players, I know what to look for and I KNOW this game. They don’t have the time! You shouldn’t have to wait until someone writes a stupidly long post to get your attention!

With whatever secure data packets you are forcing on your users and from what I can tell continuous monitoring of your users to make sure they don’t turn on Add-ons, you are going to kill what is now considered one of the best expansions since Legion. You are spiking data downloads. For those that can’t afford the benefits I have, they are going to run out of data on their internet plan before another week goes by.


Мне перечислили общие рекомендации https://eu.battle.net/support/ru/article/12988

Странно мое сообщение только что удалили. Я скинул сообщение из Американской ветки форума. Можете ознакомиться с тем что они там пробовали. А пробовали они там действительно практически все что можно. Проблема лежит гораздо глубже.

Вот по этой ссылке можно прочесть:

еще есть у кого то проблема с дисконектом ?

Привет, тоже самое, чекаю американский форум, там тоже молчат, пните пжалуйста, как что

По сравнению с вчерашним вечером ничего не поменялось почти. В меню исчезло зелененькое уведомление о предварительно загруженном контенте. Провел сегодня проверку и восстановление файлов, отключил аддоны полностью. Прогресс только что я стал заходить на перса, полутал сундук, вылетел в новую локацию. Но не долетел. Ошибка 322 стала вместо 323. Дичь.

Проверка и восстановление качает что то бесконечно, каждый раз по 100 метров, аддоны не особо влияют с виду

В общем я написала в службу поддержки, что моя проблема не решена и надеюсь на компенсацию потерянных оплаченных дней. Думаю тему можно закрывать?-

вам нужно сделать трассировку и выложить результаты , https://eu.battle.net/support/ru/article/7870
ну и конфигурацию компа написать на всякий случай

ты прежде чем советовать такие советы читал вообще всю тему? заходил на еу форум, ссылки на который тут неоднократно постились? вникал, что пишут там? вникал в то, что проблема имеет ограниченно массовый характер? прежде чем советовать, извини меня, такой бред. я читаю твои советы в других топиках, и, скажи мне, они хотя бы раз кому-нибудь помогли? вот эти стандартные твои указания как в дешевой конторе техподдержки. совершенно в каждой ты советуешь полнейшую бредятину, которая не способствует разрешению ситуации

Вроде что-то чинят) Запустила клиент и потянулось обновление, потом зашла в игру и играла целіх 14 минут!!) Потом вылет, потом зашла и через минуту снова вылет. Будем ждать…

Я не тебе отвечал и с тобой общаться не собираюсь, никакой массовой проблемы нет, она вполне укладывается в общую статистику что из миллионов игроков у пары десятков есть проблема интернетом, так что брызгать слюной иди в другое место.

ага, у меня такое тоже было , мне звонят , а я чай пью, потом раз всё работает. Данная ошибка связана со стабильностью интернета, зачем вы вообще не форуме создали тему если не хотите дать никаких подробностей ? смысл какой ?

Данная ошибка связана со стабильностью интернета

господи, какой же трэш… и подобные люди сидят ведь в отделе тех. поддержки( :face_with_head_bandage:

Господитыбожемой) Ну не читает человек топик, ну не видит, что все рекомендованные ходы сделаны и отчеты отправлены, ну и бог с ним. Это его личные проблемы, может ему одиноко, или его не ценят на работе. Это не наше с вами дело) Вы клиент обновляли? Вам обнова новая тянулась?

кому отправлены ? я не видел никакой информации от вас по делу! вы для чего на форуме пишите ?

Только что сменила провайдера на пол-часика. С новым провайдером игра длилась 3 минуты. Два раза по три минуты. В общем дело не в интернете. Ну собственно мы это уже предполагали. Я очень надеюсь, что нам компенсируют эти дни. У кого такая же проблема отошлите запрос в техподдержку.

Там новая информация появилась, с проблемой все еще разбираются. Мб стоит им требуемый файлик скинуть и игрокам с нашего форума:

в итоге выясниться что проблема в железе или драйверах, что тоже возможно.

у нас народ только ныть может , по делу отписаться никто не хочет.