D2R still constantly crashing several times daily

This looks like it crashes in the graphics driver and you seem to have an outdated version of your gpu driver 443.96 installed. Please install the current driver version 512.77.

Indeed that’s not the lastest drivers, but if i install it, your game is crashing WAY more as mentionned here : Crashes in game and back to desktop : synthesis
Well, i’ll give it a try to the xx.77, but, you know, everytime the support says it’s a user-end problem, it never was… So come on, you cannot seriously suggest, i HAVE to randomly try every driver available for my GPU everytime you do a maintenance … :o

Hey! Yes, it was acknowledged and here is the link:

Acknowledged and…not fixed, I guess. It’s a shame that the devs acknowledge these issues yet we still haven’t heard anything in form of a fix.

Response was on December 21, 2021. Please do not gold your breath. Gone is the Blizzard of old that understood what beauty and polish was.

Above is a Blue post acknowledging some crashing issues. They then message me with it being driver issues. Although, when I revert graphics to legacy, it runs fine.

Weird how every other game I own runs fine, and D2R just runs like pure dogshit.