Error code 317002

Frequent updates are appreciated :slight_smile:

Confirming that creating a game in non-season works fine. Iā€™ts the seasonal heroes that do not work and I am still unable to create a game when picking a seasonal hero.

Rejuvithorn just wrote about the investigation of the issue, I guess we need to be patient :slight_smile:

i have the same error, already reinstalled bnet app, nothing seems to be working. any updates?

Same error here, and maintenace it is not running

Not resolvedā€¦needs fixing Blizz.

Everyone is getting this error codeā€¦ i tried it on xbox and i got it there too same on battlenetā€¦

Nope the problem still remainsā€¦

Non seasonal works fine, seasonal is not working and gives 317002

  • EU season = NOT working
  • EU non-season = working
  • US season = working
  • US non-season = working

Errormessage in chat when attempting to create a private game:

Diablo III game servers are not available. Please try again later. (Code 34200)

Errormessage popup ā€œWARNING!ā€ when attempting to create a private game:

There was a problem creating a game. The game servers for your game mode may be unavailable at this time. Please make sure you have the latest Diablo III client by restarting or try again later. (Code 317002)

Errormessage popup ā€œWARNING!ā€ when attempting to join a game:

There was a problem searching for a public game. (Code 30000)


Nice post :slight_smile:

Yeah, same problem here. Logging in to the game is fine, but trying to create or join any server gives me the ā€œ317002ā€ error code. Stop your bs replys, Blizzard, and admit that the problem is active on your side. And ofc that you are working on it. It is not resolved.

This is exactly what I am seeing.

Same here.
EU server.

Theyā€™ve already done that XD

Some small nuance, Adventure and bounty game is not possible to start. single player does actually start in EU seasonal

yes, but most of people will be wanting to create an adventure mode, not campaign :smiley:

Understood, but might put the Tech support to look in the right direction.

Specifics like this are useful, yes, thank you :slight_smile:


is it fixed yet? been having this problem for hours

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Still happening