There no defense against report system abuse

But you do understand that that’s just your opinion? Treating others the way you want them to treat you is a nice idea but in practise it’s a bad belief to live by. Even if somebody hits you in the face they don’t deserve to be hit back or that’s just how I see things. Just because somebody acts out like an idiot doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be the bigger guy and frankly the ToS is in line with my views.

I’m not saying that your beliefs are worse/better than mine, but you sure are doing exactly that to the system which is why I think your response is rather unreasonable even when you’re not acting back out of spite rather than to lecture. Your approach on the matter is very naive. Then again if you’re ready to face the consequences and don’t expect not to receive backlash for going against the ToS I guess that’s fine

While the automatic system takes only quantity into account you’ll be able to get any sort of suspension/silence removed by a ticket as long as you’re really clean because at that point they’ll check chatlogs etc and quality steps into the picture.

I’d say it depends on the individual how much sh*t is tolerated before the favour is returned but from most of the others’ perspective both of the fighters are unwanted brainless animals. Same applies to abusive chat.

If someone broke a glass on my head I’d probably return the favour with interest. Physical harm/threat steps way too far over the line for me.

However the pointless “sh*t throwing contest” in overwatch chat isn’t worth joining in my opinion. There is an endless supply of human stupidity - if you start a fight against it then you are bound to lose. The only strategy that works against stupidity is avoiding it. By answering stupid inflammatory messages you do a favour for the troll: he knows that a nerve has been hit and this is what exactly what he wanted. Sucking you into his id**tic game. I wouldn’t waste my valuable time on that.

In case of the physical fistfight I’m hurt, I don’t have a choice. However in case of chat the opinion of not very smart people is meaningless/unimportant for me so they can’t really hurt me. They are unworthy of my attention.

So I have got perma banned yesterday evening for no reason whatsoever. I have never been quite toxic in the chat. In the heat of the battle, some of my messages could be interpreted as offensive but I am just trying to do anything within my reach. One of those things is constructive criticism like: “switch off widow”, or “our dps is terrible” or “this is not winnable like that”.

But nothing really drastical. I would understand the harsh punishment if I have been extremly racist or threatened someone with death, but that’s not the case.

The email they sent to me says there was a '“careful review of evidence” but I believe this has happened automatically. I suspect that because I have received the suspension just after discussing how someone was performing rather poorly in our team. I am sure that no human being has actually reviewed any evidence.

I have over 800 hours of playtime, and most of the ingame content by the way. I have been playing over 12 hours a day, and it’s not hard to collect many reports from people who cannot take criticism.

I have contacted the customer support about the issue and to send me some evidence that could lead to a permaban, but they have only sent me a general vague message and closed the ticket. Additionally they have now disabled my access to their support entirely.

I have been mistreated by Blizzard. I am shocked and disgusted to see such a poor customer support that only sends bot messages.
This thing that we call “report system” is not about what you have done or not. It’s all about the numbers.

Will buy the game once again as I have no other choice. It’s just so depressing having to shell out an other 60 buck and start everything over again just to get banned again 800 levels after because some random widow mains can’t take constructive criticism but report you instead.

GG blizz… What has happened to my beloved game?


I can name dozen on top of my head, what games have you been playing?

There are better things you could do than giving them more money by buying it again, you see that they don’t care about the players, there are a lot of better games out there

So these are the exact messages that resulted in a perma ban:

So you get perma banned for saying someone carried. Well my bad for pointing out someone was playing really good.

Do you know that “it’s only qp” excuse? Well I went sarcastic and said: “it’s only qp so feel free to throw”.

And then I said “ez report”. After an entire 4 stack shouting “too ez”. Didn’t know it’s not reportable …

So yeah if you don’t want to get banned, never ever point out any mistakes that you or your teammates make. Never say you have reported someone. Never compliment anyone for actually carrying an entire team.

That’s it I’m done with you Blizz.

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At least you got some answers from support. They usually apply restrictions/suspension on the account without telling the actual reason except for referring to violating the code of conduct that is written so vague that literally anyone can be suspended. The best part is “If you’re unsure if your actions violate this code of conduct, reconsider them.” Any of your actions can be violating, that’s it.

Noone should be able to draw the line but Blizzard themselves.
It’s a shame that they let this happen to their customers just because someone finds it offensive when asked to switch off a hero. No swearing involved.

I always like to express my frustrations, let it be about the team composition, or someone performing poorly, overextending, etc. And sure when you play twelve hours a day and meet literally hundreds of people online, it’s easy to collect many reports for “abusive chat”, when the only thing you have been saying is simply “don’t be so tunnel visioned, check your surroundings because our supports are getting murdered in the back every team fight”, or “regroup, stop running around like it’s ffa”, or simply “ggwp”. I repeat, no swearings, no threatening, nothing like that involved.

Some people are desperately trying to find a scapegoat instead of focusing on the actual game itself and the customer support has blocked every means of contacting them including their phone callback service, web tickets, and live chat. Seems like they cannot find an actual proof and don’t want to deal with it. Shocking.

I hope they look into it one more time and remove the ban. This is shockingly flawed. I have lost an account with most of the ingame content unlocked and almost 800 hours playtime. Everything because of this broken report system.
Complete ban from accessing anything on the game which I have paid for.

You need to know the logic behind this.
If 20 or more people report you, you get punished.
Plus how do you expect people to believe that you are telling the truth.
I got 1 week ban from the game for telling a mercy main to get gud on the forums…
You crush the spirit and do nothing but put presure on your team and you want to not get banned?

i’ll personally report anyone who uses chats like this even if its not directed at me… Dps get to much presure on them and your not helping in any way when you say that, when a dps isnt doing his job or messes up he fully well knows that he misplayed or trow a little… I know it must be hard for you to get that seeing that since you might be a support main but if you have a problem with your Dps just swap to one you are free to do so.
2n who uses chat when you have voice chat, wasting time to use chat is trowing as well. So you tryhard… but dont use voice chat ? Whats your excuse ?
3d you do nothing but try to rally your team vs one teammate that’s just pathetic and sad since people might report him for nothing but having a bad round…

It really doesn’t matter what you say the only thing that matter is that some people found it toxic and have reported you for that.
You can even use profound words as long as they are not used in a harmful or offensive context.

Context maters more then words.

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20 characters required

Reporting someone for saying “switch off hero

Shame on you. Seriously.

No one is my boss, saying that will do nothing but get more people to focus on that player and furder more asking him to swap or put unwanted pressure on him.

You are one edgy boi.
You are laughable.

If you’re unsure if your actions violate this code of conduct, reconsider them.

You think saying switch off a hero is against coc?

Stop making me laugh. You report people who are breathing too?

Behaviour that intentionally detracts from others’ enjoyment (such as griefing, throwing, feeding, etc.) is unacceptable. We expect our players to treat each other with respect, and promote an enjoyable environment. Acceptable behaviour is determined by player reports and Blizzard’s decision, and violating these guidelines will result in account and gameplay restrictions.

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Nice copy paste.
“Switch off” does not fit into this.

20 characters required

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Your whole thinking is wrong. In every way.

“Wow he said switch, I want him banned!”
Just listen to yourself.

My god.

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