🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 2)

Thank you, will have a go at the weekend :+1:

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Weengs \O/


Party time!

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Blame the person who has been trying to make me play season of discovery’s next phase for the past 2 months :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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How dare they!

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I should really work on this, will give me something to do when I’m finally done with all the IRL stuff this week. Been way too busy so far.


Enabling NPC gossip was a good decision.


Discovering today that Cho offers solo scenarios in Remix. They’re a real challenge but hopefully that means I’ll finish another achievement :slight_smile:


bought finally the tusks!


Yay - all heroic raids done today, ilvl 476, all gear purple - nothing else to do I guess
(… not fussed about collecting heirloom transmogs) - guess I’m done with remix :+1::grinning:


And you’re set free from Remix! \o/

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Or maybe not … the second one is impossible solo. Looking at Wowhead, quite a few people have failed it even in a group. Frustrating as you have to finish it to get access to the next one.

Dragged a friend through some raids in Remix, he’s now full 476 and got his Mythic Siege title :dracthyr_yay_animated:

Also did that 2 hour levelling thing, took me 3 but still very good.

Enjoyed myself in Remix today. Did one mythic, a heroic and a bunch of normal raids. Groups were really nice, everyone chill and not too fussed about undergeared people.

I do wish I knew before today that you need the neck, rings and trinkets unlocked to get higher gear. I only had one trinket and ring unlocked and was wondering why I was stuck on Ilvl 346… just need to do the heroic dungeons for the last bit. But urgh, all them epics from mythic Org could have been higher Ilvl.

Anywho, back to the possitve, got only 3 left of the most expensive mounts so that’s nice.

Hmm, quite sure they’re the same scenarios we can queue. Would you like some assistance there?

I’m just going to level one character in Remix

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wait. i see an intruder!


I’ve bought every single item available in Remix !


/10 chars

i thought so but i discovered still miss some mail mog. gz anyway!