🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 2)

Spent 2 hours with such a group once trying to do that robot blood boss in ToT. We had so much fun and it felt so satisfying to finally win. Never went there again though!


As soon as I entered the instance in Remix I randomly died while reaching the first boss.

It was so random I had to laugh. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


This they call floor pov :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


We call it mage tanking

I got every piece but the helm for the normal Priest set, woo!
I got the gloves for the LFR set finally, woo!
I just need the shoulders and I will be happy. 370k on the AH is a bit steep. :rofl:

Edit: Shoulders, yaaaay!!! :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


Since I’m not willing to expose myself to suffering and despair that low keys with Incorporeal give, I have been joining Transmog runs for some pieces I’m missing.

Today I joined a CN mythic run; after more than some troubles with Kael, as it usually happens in runs like these, three out of seven people left; of course the leader invited all DPS and just one able to switch to healer.
One level 60, two undergeared DPS and me remained in the raid. I offered to come with my priest if I would get a summon just for Sun King so we could continue the run.

The boss took a few minutes due to low damage when phase two began but no wipes.
I logged on my DK again and proceeded to clear the rest of the bosses. At the end of the run a Warrior gave me the only piece I was missing, the helm.
I offered him gold (10k) but he gave it to me for free.

Kinda cool.


Found a new guild, ironically we could join absolutely anywhere with the changes, found a guild on Draenor :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


Today it’s Auction House Dance Party! I love how my pets are dancing with me. :smiley: :partying_face:


I don’t know, is it really something weird to share transmog or items with someone without demanding anything?

Yesterday I got my second vicious mount, it was a long journey and wanted to quit a couple of times since im not really skilled on pvp and I get overwhelmed really easily, however I was really grateful for the people that joined my group instead of being toxic and insult me or my healer, they taught me new things and how to counter classes that I struggle with.

We need more people like that <3


If being asked politely, I would happily give since it’s just an irrelevant item

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Finally sold my TCG auction, probably my highest auction ever :partying_face: :partying_face:

AH cut is criminal though…

Always nice when that happens. Often people just assume everyone knows what they know and get pissy when it turns out different. But well done! Vicious mounts are definitely some of the best ones :sunglasses:

What are we thinking fam, at least one patch? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Weird no, just unexpected these days. But nice to see it happen


As we all should : )

I really must be playing in a bubble :sweat_smile:

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I decided to create another hunter in Remix.
And I just love the transmog I did. It literally makes me smile.

The backpack with the chicken on it is on his back and he has a chicken as a battlepet running around as well. Will have to get him some fitting pets once he can leave the confines of Pandaria. :wink:


Finally that bloody horse from ICC dropped for me just now


saw the launcher has pre release content
but whats up with the long waiting
it stays on installing 0%
and on waiting 24+ hours left?

Well, it comes out on Wednesday. Also if you want it to download faster make sure you have higher download speeds for pre-release content through settings

I bet you can recite all the RP in your sleep from that raid!!!

Big gz!!!


Father… is it… over?

Yes my son, they finally nicked your horse.


If i never hear Jaina crying or Arthas acting like Poundland Darth Vader, it will be too soon. However…

WOTLK remix would be hilarious if they used this instead of the original :joy: