šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 2)

Got the Cobalt Shalewing off Karoktra :smiley:

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Now in love with Demon Hunter.
Forgot how much I love Guardian Druid in outdoor stuff.
Happy I am no longer forcing myself to try and play Shaman, Monk or Rogue.
My DK got basically all the drops she needed bar 1 this morning.

Whee, shinies and fun!


Had a fun day popping into old dungeons and raids and killing absolutely everything! - lots of stuff that I can add in terms of transmogs across chars, plus oodles of gold! Normally I would skip past the trash, but nope, quite satisfying blasting away and scooping up the loot :+1::grin:

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Having mostly only ever collected stuff my paladin can wear or wield, it feels really rewarding going mog farming


Found that the heirloom map for warbands is already in my toybox and I donā€™t have to spend gold to get it! Yipee!


Yes, it was really a pain to go through all of the green BOE drops to check if they were not cosmetics for another class.

Over 10 years of farming. Invincible finally dropped.


How could you tell when you canā€™t see him?


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By the smell :smiley:

Invisible, invinsibleā€¦ who cares, i finally got him!

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Finally got the last two rare mobs that I needed for this:


Well, definitely must be smelly, being dead and all. Congrats

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Sadly not the grand ending Iā€™d hoped for ā€¦ the proper thing on-screen saying Iā€™d got the achievement flashed on and off the screen so quickly that I couldnā€™t screenshot it. Then the quest started. I was way way up in the sky somewhere over Waking Shores but ā€¦ not on a mount. There were a few seconds where the thought that flashed through my mind was ā€˜this isnā€™t goodā€™ ā€¦ and then I plummeted down and down and down and ā€¦ thank everything, I saw I was over the sea so there wasnā€™t going to be a horrible death.
And the thing that made me smile?
That I need never go to the Daycare ever again :wink:


A key gave me both enough crests to max my legendary and KSM.


It finally dropped for me last week after 14 years - gratz!!!


While running Shado-Pan Monastery this morning I broke the first boss with a single Jadefire Stomp (insta-gibbed the dragon). Thankfully the group stayed together and we managed to reset the boss by teleporting out of the dungeon and walking back through the front door.

Gz man! :smiley:

Oh! - did not realise there was this to do - will see if I can get these today! - thanks MrGM

Update - didnā€™t take long at all to do both - deffo go and kill the forge master in the fyrakk assaults as it dropped between 28-50 items each time when on the quest to find 500 :+1:

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aaand incredible. for the 1st time in my histrory in wow i was 1st in a raid as dps and damage. Ok ok is remix but never happened! With an evoker where i pushed randomly the buttons.

Probably this is the real secret of wow: pushing random buttoms.

Min max! im comin.