🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 2)

Got the mount skin from LFR Amirdrassil.


I just temporarily turned off ElvUI (Marmite I know) due to a warband bank bug, and had a smile and a genuine wave of nostalgia when I saw the Bliz UI again.

Zen Flight working in the new areas without pathfinder. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


I am free from vomit flying :dracthyr_yay_animated:

And I can go to bed :dracthyr_hehe_animated:



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I love seeing these dramatic cut scenes while my character is dressed like that. :joy:


Jaina’s expression fits perfectly :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


Not really got much time for forum posting atm but…

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…only just started and my plan goes out the window as keep being distracted by all the yellow exclamation marks! :rofl:

… at the moment where I am - mushrooms :grinning:


got few blue boes for cvetelina when she hits 80 from the ah
and a 577 darkmoon deck trinket which got fixed to require level 80
i guess saying requires level 70 to equip was a bug

Hit my target in TWW EA: Get to 80 on a gatherer alt, skilled up Mining+Herbing to max (just to have some mats for my main and main alt really). Also unlocked world quests and skips for alts (wasn’t planned).

I just blasted through the main quests today skipping cutscenes and not reading as me and my wife will be questing together on our main characters when TWW releases.

I guess I’ll use the remaining time to faff about on some alts. Tomorrow is already booked with Formula 1 so I doubt I’ll get another to 80 (and I would play it more relaxed than I did this gatherer).


… very glad I never did any beta this time around, has been fun exploring the new zones with fresh eyes, so much more to do than I thought as an open world type player👍

… won’t say any more, keep the surprise :grinning:


Everything about early access! Got my normal flying, hit 80, did everything available so far to unlock earthern and now I can concentrate on my professions and getting those skill trees higher :smiley:


I’ve unlocked the warband bank yesterday and started transferring currencies.
It seems surreal. I could now remove all the time walking currencies I had on my level 1 and level 20 characters. Some had 400 badges, other had 600 badges.
Of course the first thing I started doing was transferring all the pre-patch event currencies to my BE Hunter. Bought the rind, the mount, and the pets.
Thanks to this I can now empty characters I have no desire to keep in my account.
Starting with my level 1 character banks and hopefully some level 70 character (or maybe not :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: ).
Best pre-patch ever.

Thank you Blizzard :heart:


I share your feeling. I did dungeons in Beta but I didn’t level my characters and I do not recreate it.
Questing is pretty fun this time around.


The hilarious way of killing myself in game by picking the new type of herb that blasts you away after being picked.

Doing it on a rock high up sent me flying.

that tomorrow is tww launch for those who didnt buy the EA?
i am eager to start and to get the plate drops from the new dungeons(full set+some 2h str weapons same as DF)
and finishing one last hurrah weekly on my warrior(few minutes to dragonbane keep siege the last objective for my last weekly)

and the new darkmoon deck boe trinkets got hotfixed to require level 80
i guess being able to equip as a 70 must been a temporary bug
got a bunch of boe plate blues+2h sword and one boe neck for 80 from ah

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Nice. How long does it take to reach 80, at a casual pace?