🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 2)

Aw why thank you! A fix is still WIP, but i hope soon i will be able to put it back up!

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Last week I was in mop remix and a random guy waved at me, said “hi” and asked me how it was going. I haven’t been talking to a stranger in wow in ages, I almost forgot there’s a chat.

I did some Antorus runs with a couple of good friends. Tons of DK pieces dropped for DK, I got a good chunk of my mythic paladin set and many laughs were had.


Thought it would take longer to get everything I wanted, my quest is only on 2/4 for the skip but I’ve got the full plate set and…

Dropped as well. Thats my luck for the month :sweat_smile:


How angry some people are getting at having to wait for the beta servers to go up :dracthyr_hehe_animated: forum rage is a real thing and it is so much fun to watch…


I don’t have access, can I get in on this rage?


If ever you wanted to RP as an angry customer, now is your chance


I was concerned about my ST dmg on my priest so I have been logging my raid run, comparing to others with similar ilvl and boss timer kills and reading talents.
Seems that it has improved on my last run but still need to do more :smile:

My luck was quite insane yesterday. Ran Antorus, Tomb and Nighthold. Normal, Heroic and Mythic.

And in total 14 tier set BoE’s dropped for me xD

so im a happy AH goblin with 100k worth of mog listed on the AH now xD


Checking arachnophobia mode in the firelands on beta


the life of a healer

That is… great? Or terrible?

Normally fights last 2 mins. Also you aren’t at the first boss at 18mins.

Edit: After finishing it. Out of 3 keys on ma girl I have 2 untimed. Maybe I should find something else to do XD


The number of people who don’t understand that beta testing is not a smooth launch style experience and the tantrums some are throwing because of that is both awful and amusing.

When I first start Alpha testing TWW, it wouldn’t even remember your UI set up. You had to literally put your abilities back on your bars after every DC. And the game DCs you a lot cos it’s testing!

I despair. People think they want beta but they don’t really.


the majority are regarding beta as an early access.


I think you are probably right.

I decided to stop trying last night as stability was just not going to happen but even today I’ve been thrown out several times just trying to navigate the world or hand in quests.


Being fortunate in past expansions to try beta and sometimes alpha am in no rush to have a dabble - I know upfront we are there to test, even at the logging in stage and report back so flagged/fixed for launch.

It does make me smile that it looks like people are confused re beta and the 3 days access before launch :grin:


Wow. How you didn’t go oom? Insane.

Nope, full mana. We wiped like twice before that so I just decided to instead keep whoever doesn’t get oneshot alive and finish the key :')

omg hahhahahahhaahahah wtf hahahaahhahah seriously?! xD
