🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 2)

Saw this on the tweeterverse

I some how managed to miss that my cloak upgraded higher than 528, so did a couple of extra runs to get my crests yesterday.

That makes DF look good lmao.

Pumpkin Party tonight! :jack_o_lantern:

Say what you want about Goldshire, but it can have really fun moments.


spotted Magria in hyjal on my hunter had to swap from MM to BM temporary on my hunter to tame her and i did shes beautiful
tho i do feel for the dwarf hunter waiting on top of the tree for banthalos to spawn
for a few hours
guess she is the second spirit beast cat i got on my hunter
first being karoma from twilight highlands(dont remember when exactly i tamed it )

Blink can still you through the floor it seems


Oh no!!! :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

Awesome - managed to get August Celestials to Exalted which was the last of the reps I needed in Remix and then it also registered as 100 Exalted reputations and got the Pureheart Courser mount :grinning::+1::tada:
… still got stuff to do in Remix but quite happy today :+1:


Finally got the fire hearthstone! And my hunter is now 502. Going to try for 515 with Nim :rofl:
I can do normal raids, I’m so grown up.


I had a “Durotan’s crotch” monemt, thinking Eternus’s tail was some fancy infinite porcupine.

Accidentally came across super squirt day in my garrison


done shaoao rep. finally. i know is simple but it was since late wod i was chasing it.

101th rep!


not wow related but its good news anyway
got this email early today about dawntrail “full registration codes” being sent out on the 24th(monday next week)
it was a surprise to get one of these emails but a good kind of surprise haha
i guess anyone else who pre-ordered(and plays xiv) also got this email?
the 1st one i registered when it came with the pre-order but apparently there is a 2nd that will be sent soon

quicly capped drake crests somehow so i exchanged some for wyrms
upgraded boots twice chest once and beacon once
also want a str/agi polearm version of the ahune staff badly
my lock got it last time but id like to see a polearm version of it with some weapon illusions

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I haven’t pre-ordered myself, but if I recall correctly people who did gets early access on the 28th. So you got the key in order to be able to play ASAP :+1:t2:


Was searching for hunter weapon on youtube and got hit on this, it made me smile.

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Oh my, lesson learnt - keep up with doing stuff!

Never really bothered with Mid summer achievements and thought to have a go in view it’s now… - that is 5 hours I won’t get back but did it - got The Flame Keeper achievement :+1:
… now wait till Xmas and finish the Merrymaker one :thinking:

i had some fails in trying to tame the spirit beast owl ban thalos
until my friend with his priest used his leap to port my hunter to part of the tree you can stand on(did so with my gear taken off so flying near him dismount and concussive shot doesnt one shot it) logged out at the spot yesterday
owl was up again today and i just got it

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My exile on the Isle of Thunder is finally over, after weeks I managed to grind out the Sunreaver Onslaught reputation and with that, completed the last of the Pandaria Remix achievements!
This is the best way to start a monday!

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Cleared Mythic Soo in remix