đŸŽ© Transmog from Quest Reward

Completing quests in The War Within will award transmog for all of its rewards regardless of weapon or armor type, and is intended to be retroactive, so players shouldn’t have to redo old quest content they completed in previous expansions. Any items in your characters bank or inventory which is not already part of their transmog collection should also be converted, though previously looted and discarded non-quest items won’t be retroactive.

However when this was questioned in CS it didn’t seem certain this was an intended system:-

I’m hoping it’s just a mix up and we will still be getting the feature. This was a really awesome feature for collectors. The changes we’ve had with prepatch have been really good so far.

Maybe it wasn’t ready for pre-patch and is being held back for launch? Or maybe they’ve had a change of heart?


This has now been resolved, please see the blue post


Be nice if they make Kyrian’s Acended arena unlock ALL cloaks after doing the final challenge
 I damn well ain’t gonna do it 3 more times on other armor type classes.

I’m sure lots of things like that will crop up. I haven’t even found the will to do that once yet. I’m missing mounts and mogs as a result.

I sometimes check the forums. What I have learned is that you love transmogs. Good to have a passion for such things. :slight_smile:

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My only problem with it, is it kinda kills the replayabilty of the game.

But then i supose after remix there wont be very many people leveling alts anymore.

Everyone will be shoehorned into the TWW expansion.

If the content is lacking like previous expansions this move could backfire on them massively in terms of player retention


I think those that don’t enjoy levelling have long found other ways of doing it.

I don’t know, I’m not sold on this. The fantasy doesn’t work. I understand a quest giver handing over a couple of items as a reward. But 8+ learned appearances per quest, that aren’t even related to my character? It’s just wierd.

How is it any different to going in a raid or dungeons and being able to learn all the appearances?

This is how the system works now. Or not quite in this case :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

I’m thoroughly enjoying adding stuff to my collection on my main. It’s never had so many drops it can make use of. It’s fabulous!!!

It’s a QoL improvement, not a fantasy.

And I’m 100% in for it.


On the other hand I have no objection to them adding an RP toggle in the options, don’t give me these other rewards, or let me buy things from vendors not for my class etc.

Not something I’d ever tick myself but I can see true RPers going for it.

It’s not that deep. You already learn appearances while only receiving one item, now you simply get a few more.

I’ll take the convenience of not having to do the same quest 5 times over the, for me, imperceivable ‘weirdness’ of getting the appearances that the quest rewards on completing the quest.

These rewards were always a part of the quest, they just had class filters so that they’d only show you the ones you could pick.

We already had a system where on quest completion you’d get all item appearances that matched your characters filter (like if a quest offered 4 weapons a paladin could use, choosing one to physically have would still unlock all weapons)

In that sense all this did was remove the class filter.
If you ask me, it makes sense with where the game was, is now and is going too

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The news has also hit wowhead now:-

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Ah what a shame, after remix ends my roster gets so many new characters I don’t need 4 more after that.

I’m still on copium atm that it’s an error but there has been no response from Blizzard so far beyond the CS post.

Maybe if the playerbase is upset enough they’ll actually leave it in game.

Sigh, and here I was, dreaming about freedom from THIS grind

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Is the title wrong? looking at the convo it reads it does unlock all? confused lol

I thought it already worked that way when their is multi choice it unlocks the other styles?

It was announced to unlock all
It was interviewed to unlock all
It was on beta to unlock all

Live game it does not.

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I’m guessing that they removed it to boost “engagement metrics”. *sigh*

Holy sht this is so stupid.
Artificially increasing “playtime metrics” is gonna bite you in the as

Players aren’t 14 years old anymore, we’re old enough to see through your bullsh*t.